File Applications/SpinW/m_files/gm_planar.m planar magnetic structure constraint function [M, k, n, name, pname, limit] = GM_PLANAR(M0, x) It generates the parameters of arbitrary planar magnetic structure from phi angles, ordering wave vector and spin plane normal vector. Input: x Input parameters in the following order: (Phi1, Phi2, ... , kx, ky, kz, nTheta, nPhi). M0 Size of magnetic moments: (M1, M2, ...) or scalar if all moments are equal. Output: M Array, containing the magnetic moments, dimensions are [3 nMagExt]. Every column contain the [Mx; My; Mz] magnetic moment components of a magnetic atom in the xyz coordinate system. k Magnetic ordering wavevector in r.l.u., dimensions are [1 3]. n Normal vector to the plane of the incommensurate spins (if k non-zero). Optional outputs: only produced if the output is requested. name Name of the function. pname Name of the input parameters in a cell: {'Param1' 'Param2',...} limit Default limits on the input parameters, dimensions are [2 nX]. Every column contains a lower and upper limit on the parameter. See also GM_SPHERICAL3D.