File Applications/SpinW/m_files/sw_animate.m animates normal magnon modes SW_ANIMATE(spectra, 'option1', value1 ...) Animates the selected normal magnon mode on a structure plot. The animation will run until the given number of full rotations or until it is aborted using the Ctrl+C command in the Matlab Command Window. Options: pAmp Amplitude of the motion, default is 1. rps Rotation per second, default is 1. fps Frame per second, default is 25 for continuous rotation. phi0 Starting phase in radian, default is zero. nCycle Number of full rotations, use Inf for infinite number of rotations (stops with Ctrl+C). Default is Inf. For zero only the t=0 phase is drawn. tMax Maximum time to run in seconds. Default is zero when nCycle determines the running time. dMagnon Thickness of the spin precession ellipse, if zero it won't be plotted. Default is 0.05. cMagnon Color of the ellipses of the spin precession, [R G B] color code, where R, G, B = 0..255. Defeult is 'auto', when the color of the ellipses are the same as the magnetic atoms. aMagnon Alpha value of the ellipses, default is 0.5 for semi transparent ellipses. surfRes Number of points on the surface mesh, default is 30. Example: spectra = crystal.spinwave({[0 0 0] [1 0 0] 20},'saveT',true); spectra = sw_spinmotion(spectra,'iMagnon',1,'Q',[1/2 0 0]) plot(crystal) sw_animate(spectra) The above example will animate the normal magnon mode with index at Q = (1/2 0 0). See also SW.SPINWAVE, SW_SPINMOTION.