File Applications/SpinW/m_files/sw_draw.m plots additional object onto the crystal structure polyDat = SW_DRAW(Option1, Value1, ...) It plots extra objects (bonds, polyhedra) onto the crystal structure plot produced previously by sw.plot() function. Options: mode Selects what to plot: 'poly' draws polyhedra around the center atoms. 'bond' draws bonds around the center atoms. Default is 'poly'. cAtom Indices of atom types for the center atom Default is 1. Can be also a string or strings in a cell that identify atoms by their labels. pAtom Indices of atom types of the surrounding atoms Default is 2. Can be also string or cell of strings. range Plot range in reciprocal lattice units, dimensions are [3 2]. Default is the plotting range of the figure. limit Can be a single number: gives the number of neighbours or vector: [min max] distance range from neighbours. Default is 6 to plot octahedra. edge Whether to paint the edge of the surfaces to the color of the central atom (true) or keep it black (false). Default is true. alpha Transparency of the plotted surfaces. Default is 1 for non-transparecy. cBond Color of different bonds. Default is 'auto', when they are set to the color of the center atom. [R G B] will fix the color of all bonds to a uniform one. rBond Radius of the cylinder of the bonds, default is 0.15 Angstrom. surfRes Number of points on the surface mesh, default is 30. Output: polyDat is structure type, with the following fields: surf Vector, contains the handle of all plotted surfaces. index Index of the center atom. pos Positions of the surrounding atoms relative to the center atom in Angstrom units. center Positions of the center atoms in the crystal, in Angstrom units. For example: plot(cryst); sw_draw('mode','bond','cAtom','Cr','pAtom','O','range',6) It will plot 6 bonds between every chromium atom and the 6 closes oxygen atoms. See also SW, SW.PLOT, SW_T2G, SW_ORBITAL, SW_ADDOBJECT.