File Applications/SpinW/m_files/sw_ellcylinder.m creates the surface of an elliptic cylinder [handle] = SW_ELLCYLINDER(r1,r2,R,N,{v1, v2, cap}) Input: r1 Coordinates of the center of the base ellipse, dimensions are [3 1]. r2 Coordinates of the center of the top cylinder, dimensions are [3 1]. R Minor and major radius of the ellipse, dimensions are [2 1]. N Number of points of the surface mesh. v1,v2 Optional nomal vectors pointing along the minor and major radius vector, dimensions are [3 1]. cap Optional input, if true the elliptical cylinder is closed with caps. Default is false. See also SW_CIRCLE, SW_ELLIPSE, SW_CONE, SW_CIRCLESURF, SW_CYLINDER.