File Applications/SpinW/m_files/sw_multicolor.m creates RGB color data for multiple 2D overlapping plots cMat = sw_multicolor(vMat, cMap, cLim, {nCol}, {flipud}) Input: vMat Matrix that contains the input 2D data, dimensions are [d1 d2 nPlot]. Where each plot has a dimensions of [d1 d2]. cMap Cell of colormap functions containing used for the different overlayed plots. For example: cMap = {@copper @gray}. cLim Maximum and minimum values of the color map. Values in vMat smaller than the minimum and larger than the maximum will be shown with the minimum and maximum values in the colormap respectively. The dimensions of cLim is [1 2]. nCol Number of colors in the colormap. Optional, default value is 100. flipud If true the colormaps are inverted. Optional, default is false. Output: cMat Matrix with equal dimensions to the input times three for the red, green and blue channels, dimensions are [d1 d2 3]. Example: Plotting of two random matrices (dimensions are [100 100]) with red and blue colors: cMat = sw_multicolor(rand(100,100,2),[1 0;0 1;0 0],[0 1]); image(cMat);