File Applications/SpinW/m_files/sw_t2g.m plots t2g electron orbital surfaces hOrbital = SW_T2G(idx, 'Option1',Value1,...) Input: idx Index of the orbitaL: 1 d_xy 2 d_xz 3 d_yz Options: r0 Origin coordinates of the orbital, size is (1,3), default is [0 0 0]. v1 Vector pointing towards the first positive charge, defines the x-axis, size is (1,3), default is [1 0 0]. v2 Vector pointing towards the second positive charge, defines the y-axis, size is (1,3), default is [0 1 0]. surfRes Number of points in the surface mesh along every axis, default is 30. rLim Limits of the axes, default is 32. P Constant probability surface, default is 1E-5. rBohr Bohr radius, default is 1. norm Whether to normalise the axes, default is true. scale Scale of the radius of the orbital, default is 1. plotv Whether to plot the v1, v2 vectors. Default is false. See also SW_ORBITAL, SW_DRAWPOLY, SW_ADDOBJECT.