Create a 0D Horace dataset ('d0d') Syntax: >> w = d0d (filename) % Create object from a file >> w = d0d (din) % Create from a structure with valid fields % Structure array will output an array of objects Or: >> w = d0d (u0) % u0 is offset of origin of dataset, >> w = d0d (lattice, u0) % Give lattice parameters (a,b,c,alf,bet,gam) Input parameters in more detail: ---------------------------------- lattice Defines crystal lattice: [a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma] u0 Vector of form [h0,k0,l0] or [h0,k0,l0,en0] that defines an origin point on the manifold of the dataset. If en0 omitted, then assumed to be zero.