Calculate qh,qk,ql,en for the centres of the bins of an n-dimensional sqw dataset >> [q,en]=calculate_q_bins(win) Input: ------ win Input sqw object Output: ------- q Components of momentum (in rlu) for each bin in the dataset for a single energy bin Arrays are packaged as cell array of column vectors for convenience with fitting routines etc. i.e. q{1}=qh, q{2}=qk, q{3}=ql en Column vector of energy bin centres. If energy was an integration axis, then returns the centre of the energy integration range % Overloaded methods: sqw/calculate_q_bins sqw/calculate_q_bins d4d/calculate_q_bins d3d/calculate_q_bins d2d/calculate_q_bins d1d/calculate_q_bins d0d/calculate_q_bins