[h,k,l,e] for points in the coordinates of the display axes for an sqw object from a single spe file >> [qe1,qe2] = hkle(w,x) Input: ------ w sqw object x Vector of coordinates in the display axes of an sqw object The number of coordinates must match the dimensionality of the object. e.g. for a 2D sqw object, x=[x1,x2], where x1, x2 are column vectors. More than one point can be provided by giving more rows e.g. [1.2,4.3; 1.1,5.4; 1.32, 6.7] for 3 points from a 2D object. Generally, an (n x nd) array, where n is the number of points, nd the dimensionality of the object. Output: ------- qe1 Components of momentum (in rlu) and energy for each bin in the dataset Generally, will be (n x 4) array, where n is the number of points qe2 For the second root % Overloaded methods: sqw/hkle sqw/hkle