Permute the order of the display axes. Syntax the same as the matlab array permute function Syntax: >> wout = permute (win, order) >> wout = permute (win) % increase axis indices by one (& last index=1) Input: ------ win Input object, or array of objects order Order of axes: a row vector with length equal to the dimension of the dataset. The display axes are rearranged into the order specified by the the elements this argument. If the argument is omitted, then the axes are cycled by one i.e. i.e. is equivalent to order = [2,3..ndim,1] Output: ------- wout Output object(s) Example: if input object is 3D >> wout = permute (win, [3,1,2]) % the current 3rd, 1st and 2nd display axes % become the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the output object >> wout = permute (win) % equivalent to permute(win,[2,3,1]) % Overloaded methods: sqw/permute IX_dataset_3d/permute sqw/permute d4d/permute d3d/permute d2d/permute d1d/permute d0d/permute categorical/permute codistributed/permute gpuArray/permute % Reference page in Help browser doc permute