run MUPHOCOR on the given S(q,w) data set, incident wavelength and Temperature g = muphocor(s, lambda, T, amasi, sigi, conci) When not given, the physical parameters are searched in the object. The material physical properties include the masses, the incoherent scattering cross sections, and the concentrations which can be given as vectors per element/non equivalent atom in the material. The concentrations are the proportion of atoms in the material. For H2O, one should specify manually: 'amasi', [ 1.0079 15.9994 ] 'sigi', [ 82.0168 4.2325 ] 'conci', [ 2 1 ] Input arguments can be given in order, or with name-value pairs, or as a structure with named fields. MUPHOCOR Parameters: -------------------- Can be given as name/value pairs. E0: INC. ENERGY(MEV) FP: FLIGHTPATH(CM) XNEL: CHANNEL OF ELASTIC LINE CW: CHANNEL WIDTH(MYS) FIMI: MIN.SCATT.ANGLE FIMA: MAX.SCATT.ANGLE UNT: CONST.BACKGROUND ABK: Absorption coefficient AEMP: Coeff. for calculating the detector efficiency bac=unt/(1.0-EXP(-aemp/SQRT(e0-hot(n)))) NSPEC: NUMBER OF DIFFERENT ATOMIC SPECIES HOX: UPPER LIMIT OF DENSITY OF STATES TEMPO: TEMPERATURE IN KELVIN DW: MEAN DEBY WALLER COEFFICIENT AMASI: ATOMIC MASS (g/mol) SIGI : SIGMA (total scattering cross section, barns) CONCI: CONCENTRATION ALFI: SCATTERING POWER NPHO: NUMBER OF MULTI PHONON TERMS ITM: TOTAL NUMBER OF ITERATIONS IVIT=0(1): ITERATION BY DIFFERENCE(QUOTIENT) METHOD IDW=0: DW COEFF. KEPT CONST.=INPUT VALUE,DW=1:DW COEFF.ITERATED IEMP=1(0): CORRECTIONS FOR COUNTER EFFICIENCY WILL BE(NOT BE) DONE IRES=1(0): DATA WILL BE(NOT BE) CORRECTED FOR SPECTR. RESOLUTION IPR=1(0): Convolutions integrals o the multiphonon term are printed ILOSS=1: Analysis OF the imcomplete energy loss spectrum will be done NU: First channel OF spektrum NO: Last channel OF spektrum NUU: First channel OF TOF distribution used FOR calculation NOO: Last channel OF TOF distribution used FOR calculation IGLU: Number OF smoothing processes in CASE OF a time-dependant background UNT: CONSTANT BACKGROUND FUN: MULTIPLICATION FACTOR FOR TIME DEPENDENT BACKGROUND Z00: TIME OF FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION UN0: TIME DEPENDENT BACKGROUND (if fun = 1) input: s: iData_Sqw2D object S(q,w) lambda: optional incident neutron wavelength [Angs] temp0: optional Temperature [K] amasi: optional material mass [g/mol] sigi: optional total scattering cross section [barns] conci: optional material concentration [1] References: H. Schober, Journal of Neutron Research 17 (2014) 109–357 DOI 10.3233/JNR-140016 (see esp. pages 328-331) V.S. Oskotskii, Sov. Phys. Solid State 9 (1967), 420. A. Sjolander, Arkiv for Fysik 14 (1958), 315. W. Reichardt, MUPHOCOR Karlsruhe Report 13.03.01p06L (1984)