Welcome to the iFit/iData package =================================

E. Farhi, ILL/CS [farhi@ill.fr]
Version 2.0.1 - Nov. 26, 2018

Purpose ------- This library aims at providing basic functionality to achieve some of the general tasks needed for scientific data analysis: Load, Plot, Save, Fit, Math operations, define and use Models It also includes specific 'applications' for neutron scattering: * instrument simulation and optimisation using McStas * neutron scattering triple-axis spectrometer (TAS) resolution calculation 'ResLibCal' * neutron scattering time-of-flight spectroscopy S(q,w) analysis. See * lattice dynamics 4D S(q,w) computation using ASE and DFT codes, which can be coupled to ResLibCal. See Requirements ------------ **Requirements for standalone (binary) package: NONE** Stand-alone versions do not require a Matlab license, and have no dependency except the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR). This latter is included in some of the packages (Mac OSX), or has to be installed separately (Windows, Linux). You can get the MCR installer at http://ifit.mccode.org/Downloads/binary Under MacOSX, you may need to install Java 6. Get it at: http://ifit.mccode.org/Downloads/binary/mac64/javaforosx.dmg **Requirements for Source package** Matlab (any version from 7.x, R2007a), possibly a C compiler for the looktxt and the cbf_uncompress MeX. Installation ------------ **Installation from Source package** Copy the library directories where-ever you want or in MALTAB/toolbox/local: /home/joe/Matlab/iFit or /opt/MATLAB/R2010a/toolbox/local/iFit Then start Matlab and type in, e.g.: ```matlab >> addpath(genpath('/home/joe/Matlab/iFit')) ``` or ```matlab >> addpath(genpath('/opt/MATLAB/R2010a/toolbox/local/iFit')) ``` **Installation for standalone (binary) package** Install the MCR (see above, prefer /opt/MATLAB location on Linux systems), then extract the iFit binary package and launch 'ifit'. **MacOSX** Drag and drop the iFit icon into your Applications folder. To open the standalone App the first time, use Ctrl-Click on the icon. If you get an error dialogue stating you need Java 6, install it from: http://ifit.mccode.org/Downloads/binary/mac64/javaforosx.dmg **Quick start** type at Matlab prompt: ```matlab >> addpath(genpath('/path/to/iFit')) >> doc(iData) ``` Then refer to the Quick Start tutorial (in iFit/Docs/QuickStart.html). The miFit interface will be automaticaly opened. It allows to drag-and-drop data files, plot them, do basic data treatment, fitting, export, ... Useful links ------------ * Homepage: http://ifit.mccode.org * Download: http://ifit.mccode.org/Install.html * Asking for help: http://mail.mccode.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ifit-users * Issue tracking: https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/iFit/issues * Developer site: https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/iFit * Project statistics: https://www.openhub.net/p/ifit Contacts -------- You can register to the iFit mailing list at Send messages to the . Help pages are available at License: EUPL ------------- Basically this is open-source. Use it if you find it useful, and enrich it. If you do produce new methods, please send them back to me so that they are added in the software and thus benefit to the community. In short, you can use, copy, distribute and modify the Code. However, a number of restrictions apply, especially when producing derived work (that is modify and redistribute the code in other products). In particular, the derived work must be licensed under the EUPL or a Compatible License, label all modifications explicitly, distribute the Source Code, and cite the Original work. The Source code of iFit is freely available at A number of additions, included in the software, where obtained from the Matlab Central contributions, and are BSD licensed. Matlab is a registered trademark of The Mathworks Inc. Contributions are listed in the Credits page at Disclaimer ---------- This is not a professional tool, and there is no Dev team to actively take care of it. Expect occasional failures and bugs. However, I try my best to make the software efficient and reliable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0.1 - Nov. 26, 2018