Home > Applications > Horace > admin > isa_size.m



Check if a variable has both a given type and size. Utility routine, but


function result = isa_size (var, check_size, check_type)


 Check if a variable has both a given type and size. Utility routine, but
 probably not very efficient if needed in a large loop.

   >> ok = isa_size (var, check_size)
   >> ok = isa_size (var, check_size, check_type)

   var         Variable to be checked
   check_size  Required size of variable
                - the size of the array e.g. [2,3] or [1,1] or [4,5,100]
                - 'row' if a row vector of unspecified length
                - 'column' if a column vector of unspecified length
                - 'vector' if either a row or column vector

   check_type  Matlab variable type to check against.
               In addition, will accept 'cellstr' (not a recognised
              keyword by the matlab intrinsic function 'isa', as it
              is not a class, but a special case of a cell)

   ok          =true  if var has desired type and size
               =false otherwise

   e.g. check if variable w is a 4x3 matrix of type double:
   >> ok = isa_size (w, [4,3], 'double')

   e.g. is variable w a row vector:
   >> ok = isa_size (w, [1,3], 'double')


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