Home > Applications > TextEdit > TextEdit.m



Simple Text editor


function hF = TextEdit(filename, options)


 Simple Text editor

    Open an empty editor window
    Open the file content inside a new editor window
  TextEdit(string or cellstr)
    Display the string inside a new Editor window
  TextEdit(..., name)
    Give the TextEdit a name
  TextEdit(..., options)
    with options have 'name' and 'appdata' fields (see below).

 It is possible to link the editor to a variable so that its content is transfered
   into it upon changes and close. To do so, speficy the
   options.appdata = 'name';
 Then retrieve the content and clean it with:
   getappdata(0, options.appdata); rmappdata(options.appdata);

 $ Initially from: Jorge De Los Santos $
 $ E-mail: delossantosmfq@gmail.com $
 $ Blog: http://matlab-typ.blogspot.mx $
 $ Rev. 0.0.1 $ 02/08/2014 $

 Improved with Java component thanks to Yair Altman comments.
 by E. Farhi <farhi@ill.fr> Institut Laue-Langevin BSD, 2017
 Rev 1.0

 Orig: http://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47614-textedit
 Modified by E. Farhi, 2016 into english


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