Home > Applications > webbrowser > webbrowser.m



webbrowser: basic web browser running from Matlab


function ret=webbrowser(url, method)


 webbrowser: basic web browser running from Matlab

   Opens a simplistic web browser, built from Matlab/Java.
     Can be used as replacement for the 'web' command in deployed applications.
     Requires a running JVM.
   This browser has very limited rendering capabilities. It does not support 
     JavaScript, and other 'modern' HTML extensions (flash, HTML5,...).
   The browser has a display pane, a Home button, a Back button, an editable URL 
   field, and keeps track of the navigation history. Does not support proxy settings.

   webbrowser        Opens an empty browser.
   webbrowser(file)  Display the specified file (full path or in the Matlab search path)
   webbrowser(url)   Opens a browser displaying the specified URL.
   webbrowser(url,'system') tries first to open the web page with the system browser.

   Copyright: Licensed under the BSD, version 1.0.1
              E. Farhi, ILL, France <farhi@ill.fr> Aug 2017, http://ifit.mccode.org


This function calls: This function is called by:
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