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c = mpower(a,b) : computes the power of iFunc objects


function c = mpower(a,b)


 c = mpower(a,b) : computes the power of iFunc objects

   @iFunc/mpower (^) function to compute the matrix-power of functions (orthogonal axes)
     when one of the argument is a character string, it is used as-is in the 
     operator expression. 
     when the second argument is an integer, the initial model is extended
     orthogonaly, creating a ndims(a)*b dimension model

 input:  a: object or array (iFunc or numeric)
         b: object or array (iFunc or numeric)
 output: c: object or array (iFunc)
 ex:     c=lorz^gauss; c=gauss^3

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iFunc, iFunc/minus, iFunc/plus, iFunc/times, iFunc/rdivide


This function calls: This function is called by:
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