orthogonal eigenvectors of defective eigenvalues [V, D, {Idx}] = EIGORTH(M, tol, sort) Input: M Stack of square matrices, dimensions are [nMat nMat nStack]. tol Tolerance, within two eigenvalue are regarded equal: abs(real(diff(D))) < max([real(D) 1e-5])*tol Default is 1e-5. sortMode If true, mode sorting is performed, and idx stores the sorted permutation of the modes and eigenvectors. Default is false. Output: V Matrix stack, every column contains an eigenvector of M in every stack, dimensions are the same as M. D Stack of vectors, that contains the eigenvalues of M, dimensions are [nMat nStack]. idx Permutation indices of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for every stack, dimensions are [nMat nStack]. See also eig.