adds new matrix that can be assigned to spins in the Hamiltonian ADDMATRIX(obj, 'Option1, Value1,...) Input: obj sw class object Options: value The value of the matrix, dimensions are [3 3 nJ], default is eye(3). If the given value is scalar, a diagonal matrix is generated with the given value in its diagonal. If the given value is a 3 element vector, a DM interaction matrix is created according to the following rule: DM = [0 Dz -Dy;-Dz 0 Dx;Dy -Dx 0]. mat Alternative option name to 'value'. label Label for plotting, strings in a cell, dimensions are [1 nJ], default is 'matI', where I is the index of the matrix. color Color for plotting, either a matrix with dimensions are [3 nJ] that contains color RGB codes (0-255), or string with the name of the color (for multiple matrix the string have to be packed into a cell. Default color is red. Output: The obj output will contain the added matrix in the obj.matrix field. Example: crystal.ADDMATRIX('value',eye(3)) Adds a diagonal matrix, that can describe Heisenberg interaction. See also SW, SW_COLORNAME.