gm_planar | planar magnetic structure constraint function |
gm_spherical3d | magnetic structure constraint function with spherical parameterisation |
sw_addobject | adds a graphical object to a selected figure |
sw_addsym | saves user defined symmetry operators |
sw_animate | animates normal magnon modes |
sw_annealfigure | creates a figure for displaying the status of the annealing simulation |
sw_annealplot | displays information about the annealing simulation |
sw_arrow | draws a 3D arrow |
sw_atomdata | returns information on elements stored in the atom.dat file |
sw_basismat | determines allowed tensor components in a given point group symmetry |
sw_bose | coefficient for boson correlation functions for different temperatures |
sw_cartesian | creates a right handed Cartesian coordinate system |
sw_circle | creates an array of the 3D coordinates of the circle circumference |
sw_circlesurf | creates a circle surface in 3 dimensions |
sw_cmod | modulo one with tolerance |
sw_colorname | generates RGB code from color name string |
sw_cone | creates the surface of a cone in 3 dimension |
sw_conv | OUTDATED, use the new function sw_egrid instead. |
sw_converter | converts energy and momentum units for a given particle |
sw_cylinder | creates the surface of a cylinder in 3D |
sw_draw | plots additional object onto the crystal structure |
sw_drawpoly | draws polyhedra around atoms on the structure plot |
sw_econtract | converts (Q,omega) values to Qm values for diffraction instrument |
sw_egrid | creates energy for spectrum color plot |
sw_ellcylinder | creates the surface of an elliptic cylinder |
sw_ellipse | creates an array of the 3D coordinates of the ellipse circumference |
sw_extendlattice | creates superlattice |
sw_filelist | lists spinw data in the Matlab workspace or in a .mat file |
sw_freemem | gives the amount of free RAM in bytes |
sw_fstat | calculates termodynamical averages during an annealing simulation |
sw_fsub | simple graph vertex coloring |
sw_genatpos | generates symmetry equivalent atomic positions |
sw_gencoord | calculates all symmetry operators for a given space group |
sw_gensym | returns symmetry operators of a given space group |
sw_gensymcoupling | generates all equivalent couplings, using space group symmetry |
sw_getfighandle | returns the handle of the active structure plot window |
sw_getobject | returns objects handles with given 'Tag' property |
sw_handlelight | |
sw_idata | creates iData object |
sw_initialize | initializes sw library and cleans symmetry.dat file from user entries |
sw_instrument | includes instrumental factors into the calculated spectrum |
sw_intsf | integrates the structure factor along given Q directions |
sw_label | returns axis labels for spectrum plot |
sw_magdomain | calculates the spin-spin correlation function for magnetic domains |
sw_mattype | determines the type of square input matrix |
sw_mff | returns the magnetic form factor values and the coefficients |
sw_mirror | mirrors a 3D vector |
sw_model | creates different predefined spin models |
sw_multicolor | creates RGB color data for multiple 2D overlapping plots |
sw_neutron | calculates neutron scattering intensity for spin wave spectrum |
sw_nvect | determines the best normal vector for the set of vectors |
sw_omegasum | removes degenerate and ghost magnon modes from spectrum |
sw_orbital | returns a polygon of selected hydrogen orbitals |
sw_parstr | parses input string |
sw_plotsf | plots the structure factor in the selected Q range in 1D or 2D |
sw_plotspec | plots spin wave spectrum |
sw_pointsym | determines point group symmetry of a space group at a given position |
sw_qscan | creates linear scans between Q points in 3D |
sw_quadell | calculates and plots the parameters of an ellipsoid from a quadratic form |
sw_readparam | parse input arguments (option, value pairs) |
sw_readspec | read spin wave dispersion data from file |
sw_res | reads a tabulated energy resolution from a file and fits with polynomial |
sw_rootdir | gives the path to the SpinW code |
sw_rot | rotates vectors around arbitrary axis in 3D |
sw_spinmotion | calculates the amplitude and phase of spin motion |
sw_status | timer function that displays also the remaining time |
sw_structfigure | creates figure for crystal structure plot |
sw_symgetgen | creates the generators from a list of symmetry operators |
sw_symorder | determine the order of the symmetry operator |
sw_t2g | plots t2g electron orbital surfaces |
sw_uniquetol | returns the unique column vectors within tolerance |
sw_update | updates the SpinW installation from the internet |
sw_version | returns the installed version of SpinW |