adds new twins to an sw object ADDTWIN(obj,'Option', Value,...) Input: obj sw class object. Options: axis Defines axis of rotation to generate twins in the xyz coordinate system, dimensions are [1 3]. phi Defines the angle of rotation to generate twins in radian units, several twins can be defined parallel if phi is a vector. Dimensions are [1 nTwin]. phid Defines the angle of rotation to generate twins in degree units, several twins can be defined parallel if phi is a vector. Dimensions are [1 nTwin]. rotC Rotation matrices, that define crystallographic twins, can be given directly, dimensions are [3 3 nTwin]. vol Volume fractions of the twins, dimensions are [1 nTwin]. Default value is ones(1,nTwin). Output: The function adds extra entries in the 'twin' field of the obj sw object. Example: ... cryst.addtwin('axis',[0 0 1],'phid',[60 120],'vol',[1 1]) This will add two extra crystallographic twins to the crystal, with the original orientation there are will be three twins with equal volumes. See also SW, SW.TWINQ.