Convert input dnd-type object into sqw object
function wout = sqw (win)
This function calls:
- sqw Convert input dnd-type object into sqw object
- struct A Comprehensive Guide to Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB
This function is called by:
- calculate_q_bins Calculate qh,qk,ql,en for the centres of the bins of a d0d dataset
- calculate_qw_bins Calculate qh,qk,ql,en for the centres of the bins of a d0d dataset
- change_crystal Change the crystal lattice and orientation of a d0d object or array of objects
- compact Squeezes the data range in a d2d object to eliminate empty bins
- d0d Create a 0D Horace dataset ('d0d')
- disp2sqw_eval Calculate sqw for a model scattering function
- dispersion Calculate dispersion relation for dataset or array of datasets.
- fit Fits a function to an object, with an optional background function.
- fit_func Fits a function to an object, with an optional background function.
- fit_sqw Fit a model for S(Q,w) to an object, with an optional background function.
- fit_sqw_sqw Fit a model for S(Q,w) to an object, with an optional background function that is also a model for S(Q,w)
- head Display a summary of a d0d object or file containing d0d information.
- mask Remove the bins indicated by the mask array
- mask_points Determine the points to keep on the basis of ranges and mask array.
- multifit Simultaneously fit a function to an array of objects.
- multifit_func Simultaneously fit a function to an array of objects.
- multifit_sqw Simultaneously fit a model for S(Q,w) to an array of objects.
- multifit_sqw_sqw Simultaneously fit a model for S(Q,w) to an array of objects.
- read Read d0d object from a file or array of d0d objects from a set of files
- refine_crystal Refine crystal orientation and lattice parameters for a d0d object.
- replicate Make a higher dimensional dataset from a zero dimensional dataset by
- save Save a sqw object to file
- section Takes a section out of a 0-dimensional dataset. Dummy routine as sectioning not possible
- sqw Convert input dnd-type object into sqw object
- sqw_eval Calculate sqw for a model scattering function
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