Home > Applications > Horace > @d2d > head.m



Display a summary of a d2d object or file containing d2d information.


function varargout = head (varargin)


 Display a summary of a d2d object or file containing d2d information.
   >> head(w)              % Summary for object (or array of objects)
   >> head(d2d,filename)   % Summary for named file (or array of names)

 To return header information in a structure, without displaying to screen:

   >> h=head(...)          % Fetch principal header information

 The facility to get head information from file(s) is included for completeness, but
 more usually you would use the function:
   >> head_horace(filename)
   >> h=head_horace(filename)

   w           d2d object or array of d2d objects
   d2d         Dummy d2d object to enforce the execution of this method.
               Can simply create a dummy object with a call to d2d:
                   e.g. >> w = head(d2d,'c:\temp\my_file.d2d')

   file        File name, or cell array of file names. In latter case, displays
               summary for each sqw object

 Output (optional):
   h           Structure with header information, or cell array of structures if
               given a cell array of file names.


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