Home > Applications > Horace > @d3d > save_xye.m



Saves a three dimensional dataset to ASCII file


function save_xye (w,varargin)


 Saves a three dimensional dataset to ASCII file

   >> save_xye (w)                 %  Prompts for file to write to
   >> save_xye (w, null_value)     %  Substitute intensity of empty cells with
                                   % the numerical value empty (default: NaN)
   >> save_xye (w, file)           %  Write to named file
   >> save_xye (w, null_value, file)

 Unless otherwise specified, bins where there is no data are written as
 having NaN (i.e. not-a-number) for the signal and zero for the standard deviation.
 You can always substitue a different value e.g. -10^30 or 0 by 
 assigning a value to the optional parameter null_value.

 The data is saved in the format:
       x1(1)   x2(1)    x3(1)      y(1,1)    e(1,1)
       x1(2)   x2(1)    x3(1)      y(2,1)    e(2,1)
        :       :          :          :        :
       x1(n1)  x2(1)    x3(1)      y(n1,1)   e(n1,1)
       x1(1)   x2(2)    x3(1)      y(1,2)    e(1,2)
       x1(2)   x2(2)    x3(1)      y(2,2)    e(2,2)
        :       :          :          :        :


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