Home > Applications > Horace > @d4d > cut.m



Take a cut from a d4d object or array of objects by integrating over one or more of the plot axes.


function varargout = cut (varargin)


 Take a cut from a d4d object or array of objects by integrating over one or more of the plot axes.
  make cut:
   >> w = cut (data_source, p1_bin, p2_bin)

   >> w = cut (..., '-save')       % Save cut to file (prompt for output file)
   >> w = cut (...,  filename)     % save cut to named file

   >> cut(...)                     % save cut to file without making output to workspace 
   data_source     Data source: sqw file name or d4d-type data structure

   p1_bin          Binning along first plot axis
   p2_bin          Binning along second plot axis
                   For each binning entry:
               - [] or ''          Plot axis: use bin boundaries of input data
               - [pstep]           Plot axis: sets step size; plot limits taken from extent of the data
                                   If pstep=0 then use current bin size and synchronise
                                  the output bin boundaries with the current boundaries. The overall range is
                                  chosen to ensure that the range of the input data is contained within
                                  the bin boundaries.
               - [plo, phi]        Integration axis: range of integration - those bin centres that lie inside this range 
                                  are included.
               - [plo, pstep, phi] Plot axis: minimum and maximum bin centres and step size
                                   If pstep=0 then use current bin size and synchronise
                                  the output bin boundaries with the current boundaries. The overall range is
                                  chosen to ensure that the range plo to phi is contained within
                                  the bin boundaries.

   w              Output data object (d0d, d1d, d2d depending on binning requirements)


This function calls: This function is called by:
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