Home > Applications > Horace > @sqw > IX_dataset_3d.m



Create IX_dataset_3d object


This is a script file.


 Create IX_dataset_3d object

   >> w = IX_dataset_3d (x,y,z)
   >> w = IX_dataset_3d (x,y,z,signal)
   >> w = IX_dataset_3d (x,y,z,signal,error)
   >> w = IX_dataset_3d (x,y,z,signal,error,title,x_axis,y_axis,z_axis,s_axis)
   >> w = IX_dataset_3d (x,y,z,signal,error,title,x_axis,y_axis,z_axis,s_axis,x_distribution,y_distribution,z_distribution)
   >> w = IX_dataset_3d (title, signal, error, s_axis, x, x_axis, x_distribution,...
                                          y, y_axis, y_distribution, z, z-axis, z_distribution)

  Creates an IX_dataset_3d object with the following elements:

     title                char/cellstr    Title of dataset for plotting purposes (character array or cellstr)
     signal              double          Signal (3D array)
     error                                Standard error (3D array)
     s_axis                IX_axis            Signal axis object containing caption and units codes
                   (or char/cellstr    Can also just give caption; multiline input in the form of a
                                      cell array or a character array)
     x                    double          Values of bin boundaries (if histogram data)
                                         Values of data point positions (if point data)
     x_axis                IX_axis            x-axis object containing caption and units codes
                   (or char/cellstr    Can also just give caption; multiline input in the form of a
                                      cell array or a character array)
     x_distribution      logical         Distribution data flag (true is a distribution; false otherwise)

   y                   double          -|
   y_axis              IX_axis          |- same as above but for y-axis
   y_distribution      logical         -|

   z                   double          -|
   z_axis              IX_axis          |- same as above but for z-axis
   z_distribution      logical         -|


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