< Master index Index for Applications/Horace/@sqw >

Index for iFit/Applications/Horace/@sqw

Matlab files in this directory:

 IXTdataset_1dConvert 1D sqw object into IXTdataset_1d
 IXTdataset_2dConvert 2D sqw object into IXTdataset_2d
 IXTdataset_3dConvert 3D sqw object into IXTdataset_3d
 IX_dataset_1dCreate IX_dataset_1d object
 IX_dataset_2dCreate IX_dataset_2d object
 IX_dataset_3dCreate IX_dataset_3d object
 accumulate_sqwRead one or more spe files and a detector parameter file, and create an output sqw file.
 acosImplement acos(w1) for objects
 acoshImplement acosh(w1) for objects
 acotImplement acot(w1) for objects
 acothImplement acoth(w1) for objects
 acscImplement acsc(w1) for objects
 acschImplement acsch(w1) for objects
 asecImplement asec(w1) for objects
 asechImplement asech(w1) for objects
 asinImplement asin(w1) for objects
 asinhImplement asinh(w1) for objects
 atanImplement atan(w1) for objects
 atanhImplement atanh(w1) for objects
 calc_sqw_urangeCompute range of data for a collection of data files given the projection axes and crystal orientation
 calculate_q_binsCalculate qh,qk,ql,en for the centres of the bins of an n-dimensional sqw dataset
 calculate_qw_binsCalculate qh,qk,ql,en for the centres of the bins of an n-dimensional sqw dataset
 calculate_qw_pixelsCalculate qh,qk,ql,en for the pixels in an sqw dataset
 change_crystalChange the crystal lattice and orientation of an sqw object or array of objects
 compactSqueezes the data range in an sqw object to eliminate empty bins
 cosImplement cos(w1) for objects
 coshImplement cosh(w1) for objects
 cotImplement acot(w1) for objects
 cothImplement acoth(w1) for objects
 cscImplement csc(w1) for objects
 cschImplement csch(w1) for objects
 cutCreate mslice/Tobyfit cut object
 d0dCreate a 0D Horace dataset ('d0d')
 d1dCreate a 1D Horace dataset ('d1d')
 d2dCreate a 2D Horace dataset ('d2d')
 d3dCreate a 3D Horace dataset ('d3d')
 d4dCreate a 4D Horace dataset ('d4d')
 dimensionsFind number of dimensions and extent along each dimension of
 disp2sqw_evalCalculate sqw for a model scattering function
 dispersionCalculate dispersion relation for dataset or array of datasets.
 displayDisplay sqw object to screen
 dndConvert input sqw object into corresponding d0d, d1d,...d4d object
 expImplement exp(w1) for objects
 fake_sqwCreate an output sqw file with dummy data using array(s) of energy bins instead spe file(s).
 fitFits a function to an sqw object, with an optional background function.
 fit_funcFits a function to an sqw object, with an optional background function.
 fit_sqwFit a model for S(Q,w) to an sqw object, with an optional background function.
 fit_sqw_sqwFit a model for S(Q,w) to an sqw object, with an optional background function that is also a model for S(Q,w).
 func_evalEvaluate a function at the plotting bin centres of sqw object or array of sqw object
 gen_sqwRead one or more spe files and a detector parameter file, and create an output sqw file.
 gen_sqw_from_nxspecurrently stub -- no additional infomation is used from nxspe as par is
 getGet a named field from an object, or a structure with all
 get_parLoad data from ASCII Tobyfit .par file and returns data in the form, requested by horace
 get_test_calc_projectionsTransform in an spe file with coords in the 4D space defined by crystal Cartesian coordinates
 headDisplay a summary of an sqw object or file containing sqw information.
 hkle[h,k,l,e] for points in the coordinates of the display axes for an sqw object from a single spe file
 is_sqw_typeDetermine if sqw type object or dnd type object
 is_sqw_type_fileDetermine if file contains data of an sqw-type object or dnd-type sqw object
 isvalidCheck fields for data_array object
 logImplement log(w1) for objects
 log10Implement log(w1) for objects
 maskRemove the bins indicated by the mask array
 mask_pointsDetermine the points to keep on the basis of ranges and mask array.
 minusImplement w1 - w2 for objects
 mldivideImplement w1 \ w2 for objects
 mpowerImplement w1 ^ w2 for objects
 mrdivideImplement w1 / w2 for objects
 mtimesImplement w1 * w2 for objects
 multifitSimultaneously fit a function to an array of sqw objects.
 multifit_funcSimultaneously fit a function to an array of sqw objects.
 multifit_sqwSimultaneously fit a model for S(Q,w) to an array of sqw objects.
 multifit_sqw_sqwSimultaneously fit a model for S(Q,w) to an array of sqw objects.
 permutePermute the order of the display axes. Syntax the same as the matlab array permute function
 plot_titlesGet titling and caption information for an sqw object
 plusImplement w1 + w2 for objects
 readRead sqw object from a file or array of sqw objects from a set of files
 refine_crystalRefine crystal orientation and lattice parameters for an sqw or d0d/d1d/...d4d object
 replicatereplicate method - gataway to dnd object replication only.
 rundata_write_to_sqwRead a single spe file and a detector parameter file, and create a single sqw file.
 saveSave a sqw object or array of sqw objects to file
 save_xyeSave 1D,2D,.. sqw object to ascii file.
 secImplement sec(w1) for objects
 sechImplement sech(w1) for objects
 sectionTakes a section out of an sqw object
 setSet function
 signalSet the signal axis (i.e. intensity) to the values for the named argument
 sigvarConstructor for sigvar object
 sigvar_getGet signal and variance from sqw object, and a logical array of which values to ignore
 sigvar_setSet output object signal and variance fields from input sigvar object
 sigvar_sizeFind size of signal array in sqw object
 sinImplement sin(w1) for objects
 sinhImplement sinh(w1) for objects
 smoothSmooth method - dataway to dnd object smoothing only.
 sqrtImplement sqrt(w1) for objects
 sqwCreate an sqw object
 sqw_evalCalculate sqw for a model scattering function
 structA Comprehensive Guide to Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB
 subsasgnA Comprehensive Guide to Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB
 subsrefA Comprehensive Guide to Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB
 tanImplement tan(w1) for objects
 tanhImplement tanh(w1) for objects
 to_cutCreate cut object from sqw object
 to_sliceCreate slice object from sqw object
 uminusImplement -w1 for objects
 uplusImplement +w1 for objects
 write_nsqw_to_nsqwRead a collection of sqw files and sort the pixels from those files onto a common grid.
 write_nsqw_to_sqwRead a collection of sqw files with a common grid and write to a single sqw file.
 write_qspec_to_sqwRead ascii column data and create a single sqw file.
 write_spe_to_sqwRead a single spe file and a detector parameter file, and create a single sqw file.

Other Matlab-specific files in this directory:

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