Home > Applications > Horace > @sqw > accumulate_sqw.m



Read one or more spe files and a detector parameter file, and create an output sqw file.


This is a script file.


 Read one or more spe files and a detector parameter file, and create an output sqw file.

 Normal use:
   >> accumulate_sqw (dummy, spe_file, par_file, sqw_file, efix, emode, alatt, angdeg,...
                                               u, v, psi, psi_planned, omega, dpsi, gl, gs, grid_size_in, urange_in)
 If want output diagnostics:
   >> [tmp_file,grid_size,urange] = gen_sqw (dummy, spe_file, par_file, sqw_file, efix, emode, alatt, angdeg,...
                                               u, v, psi, omega, dpsi, gl, gs, grid_size_in, urange_in)

 Input: (in the following, nfile = no. spe files)
   dummy           Dummy sqw object  - used only to ensure that this service routine was called
   spe_file        Full file name of spe file - character string or cell array of
                  character strings for more than one file
   par_file        Full file name of detector parameter file (Tobyfit format)
   sqw_file        Full file name of output sqw file
   efix            Fixed energy (meV)                 [scalar or vector length nfile]
   emode           Direct geometry=1, indirect geometry=2    [scalar]
   alatt           Lattice parameters (Ang^-1)        [row or column vector]
   angdeg          Lattice angles (deg)               [row or column vector]
   u               First vector (1x3) defining scattering plane (r.l.u.)
   v               Second vector (1x3) defining scattering plane (r.l.u.)
   psi             Angle of u w.r.t. ki (deg)         [scalar or vector length nfile]
   psi_planned     As psi, but is a vector specifying the full range of planned measurements
   omega           Angle of axis of small goniometer arc w.r.t. notional u (deg) [scalar or vector length nfile]
   dpsi            Correction to psi (deg)            [scalar or vector length nfile]
   gl              Large goniometer arc angle (deg)   [scalar or vector length nfile]
   gs              Small goniometer arc angle (deg)   [scalar or vector length nfile]
   grid_size_in    [Optional] Scalar or row vector of grid dimensions. Default is [50,50,50,50]
   urange_in       [Optional] Range of data grid for output. If not given, then uses smallest hypercuboid
                  that encloses the whole data range that would be available if psi_planned were used.

   tmp_file        List of temporary files
   grid_size       Actual size of grid used (size is unity along dimensions
                  where there is zero range of the data points)
   urange          Actual range of grid
%   Overloaded methods:


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