Home > Applications > Horace > @sqw > to_cut.m



Create cut object from sqw object


This is a script file.


 Create cut object from sqw object

   >> c = to_cut (w)
 With keywowrds:
   >> c = to_cut (w, 'x','k')        % make x-axis the component along b* (other options available too)
   >> c = to_cut (w, 'signal','Q')   % make y-axis equal to |Q| (other options available too)
   >> c = to_cut (w, 'x', 'E', 'signal' 'k')

   w           1D sqw object
   'x'         [Optional] keyword to make the x-axis for the cut correspond to another coordinate
               Valid coordinates are: 
                   'h', 'k', 'l'       r.l.u.
                   'E'                 energy transfer
                   'Q'                 |Q|         
               Default is to use the display axis of the sqw object
   'signal'    [Optional] keyword to make the signal axis another coordinate than the intensity.
               Useful to see the variation of e.g. energy across a cut.

 Note: this would normally be called just cut, which is the class of the output object.
 However, because we have already used 'cut' as the name of another method of sqw objects,
 we can't do that. An unfortunate problem, but one that is unavoidable.
%   Overloaded methods:


This function calls: This function is called by:
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