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ResLibCal: compute and display the neutron TAS resolution function


function out = ResLibCal(varargin)


 ResLibCal: compute and display the neutron TAS resolution function

 To start the application and open the main GUI window, use
 To compute directly the resolution function, sending an EXP ResLib-like
   configuration structure, use:
   out = ResLibCal(EXP);
 To convolve an iFunc model with a 4D resolution function, use:
   out = ResLibCal(model);
 To use ResLibCal from the command line, use:
   out = ReslibCal(command, arguments...);
 where 'command' is one of:

   open    open a configuration file (par, cfg, res, ini, m): ResLibCal('open','file')
   save    save the configuration in the Preference directory (ini format)
   saveas  save the configuration into a specified file/format: ResLibCal('saveas','file')
   export  dump the main ResLibCal window into a file
   exit    close all active views, and save current configuration
   reset   re-load the default configuration
   print   generate an HTML document to be printed
   create  open the main GUI (start interface), and read last saved configuration
   compute only compute the matrix (no plotting/printing)
   update  compute, and then update open views, or send result to the console
   view2   display the 2D view (resolution projections)
   view3   display the 3D view (resolution)
   tas     display the spectrometer geometry
   default same as create, but does not read last configuration (using reset configuration)
   quit    same as exit, but does not save the configuration
   close   close the 2D, 3D and TAS view windows
   resol   print-out the resolution matrix a la RESCAL
   bragg   print-out the Bragg widths a la RESCAL
   list    print-out the RESCAL parameter list
   config  return the current configuration (ResLib EXP)
   hkle    return the current HKLE location. Set it back with ResLibCal(hkle{:});
   silent  use silent computation (no plot/display) for further arguments
   <PAR>=<VALUE> sets a parameter value, e.g. 'DM=3.355'

 To compute the resolution at a given HKLW location, using the current settings
   resolution = ResLibCal(QH,QK,QL,W)
 where QH,QK,QL,W can be vectors, or empty to use current settings.
 To only compute the resolution function, use:
   ResLibCal('close'); out=ResLibCal('compute');
 which will close the 2D,3D and TAS views, then compute the resolution
 function, returned in out.resolution

 The application contains a main interface with:
 * Menu, Method, Scan and Instrument parameters (main)
 * Resolution function plot (2D)
 * Resolution function plot (3D)
 * Instrument view

 when changing any value in the main GUI:
 * Method and Scan parameters, Instrument parameters
 any opened view is updated after a re-computation of the resolution.

 The 2D and 3D views can be closed without ending the application.
 When the main window is closed, or Exit is selected all views are closed

 Convolution in 4D for TAS ----------------------------------------------------

   The 4D convolution syntax allow to simulate a TAS scan from a parametrised 
 dispersion. In the following example, we simulate a scan through a cubic crystal
 dispersion, and show the ideal S(q,w) as well as the measured, broadened 
 measurement. Then, the simulated scan is inserted in a representation of the 
 S(q,w), to visualise the scan trajectory and simulated signal.
 To use this tool, you need to input a 2D or 4D dispersion model (iFunc).
 The dispersion is either a 2D model S(|q|,w) or a 4D model S(qh,qk,ql,w).
 The axes of the dispersion are in the lattice reciprocal space, in r.l.u.

   s=sqw_cubic_monoatomic; % create a 4D S(q,w) for a cubic pure material
   t=ResLibCal(s);         % convolute it with a TAS resolution, and open ResLibCal.
   w=linspace(0.01,20,50); qh=0.3*ones(size(w)); qk=0*qh; ql=qk; % a scan
   signal1=iData(t, [], qh,qk,ql,w);
   signal0=iData(s, [], qh,qk,ql,w);
   figure; plot(squeeze([signal1 signal0*100])); % plot the dispersion and simulated measurement
   % now plot the 4D dispersion with the scan in it, for fun
   qh=linspace(0.01,.5,50);qk=qh; ql=qh; w=linspace(0.01,10,51); % a 4D grid
   f=iData(s,[],qh,qk,ql,w); % evaluate the model on the 4D grid
   figure; surf(log(f(:,:,1,:)),'half'); hold on;  % plot dispersion, and scan

 input: any combination of:
   command: string among those listed above, which can be followed by any other
            allowed parameter.
   qh,qk,ql,w: 4 vectors or 4D matrices which delimit a region in the reciprocal
            space where the TAS resolution function should be computed.
   model:   an iFunc model which is to be convolved with the TAS response.
   EXP:     a structure holding a ResLibCal, ResCal or ResLib configuration.
   a ResLibCal configuration with e.g. 'resolution' field, or a 4D convoluted model.

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 (c) E.Farhi, ILL. License: EUPL.
 See also iFunc/conv


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