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calculates spin wave dispersion/correlation functions to be called from Horace


function [w, s] = horace(obj, qh, qk, ql, varargin)


 calculates spin wave dispersion/correlation functions to be called from Horace

 [w, s] = HORACE(obj, qh, qk, ql, p) 

 The function produces spin wave dispersion and intensity for Horace 
 (<a href=http://horace.isis.rl.ac.uk>http://horace.isis.rl.ac.uk</a>).


 obj           Input sw object.
 qh, qk, ql    Reciprocal lattice components in reciprocal lattice units.
 p             Parameters, currently unused.


 component Selects the previously calculated intensity component to be
           convoluted. The possible options are:
               'Sperp' convolutes the magnetic neutron scattering
                       intensity (<Sperp * Sperp> expectation value).
               'Sab'   convolutes the selected components of the spin-spin
                       correlation function. Letter a and b can be 'x',
                       'y' or 'z'. For example: 'Sxx' will convolute the
                       xx component of the correlation function with the
                       dispersion. xyz is the standard coordinate system,
                       see online documentation of SpinW.
           Any linear combination of the above are allowed, for example:
           'Sxx+2*Syy' convolutes the linear combination of the xx
           component of the spin-spin correlation function and the yy


 w         Cell that contains the spin wave energies. Every cell elements
           contains a vector of spin wave energies for the corresponding
           input Q vector.
 s         Cell that contains the calculated element of the spin-spin
           correlation function. Every cell element contains a vector of
           intensities in the same order as the spin wave energies in w.


 d3dobj = d3d(cryst.abc,[0 1 0 0],[0,0.01,1],[0 0 1 0],[0,0.01,1],[0 0 0 1],[0,0.1,10]);
 d3dobj = disp2sqw_eval(d3dobj,@cryst.horace,{'component','Sperp'},0.1);

 This example creates a d3d object, a square in (h,k,0) plane and in
 energy between 0 and 10 meV. Then calculates the inelastice neutron
 scattering intensity of the spin wave model stored in cryst and plots it
 using sliceomatic.

 See also SW, SW.SPINWAVE.


This function calls: This function is called by:
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