Home > Applications > m2html > @template > template.m



TEMPLATE HTML Template Toolbox Constructor


function tpl = template(root,unknowns)


TEMPLATE HTML Template Toolbox Constructor
  TPL = TEMPLATE returns a template object using default values for the
  root path of the template files ('.') and for the way of handling unknown
  replacement fields (default is 'remove').
  TPL = TEMPLATE(ROOT) allows to specify the root path of the template files
  that will then be provided relative to this path.
  TPL = TEMPLATE(ROOT,UNKNOWNS) also allows to specify the strategy to apply
  to unkown fields. UNKNOWNS may be:
    * 'keep' to do nothing
    * 'remove' to remove all undefined fields
    * 'comment' to replace undefined fields by a warning HTML comment.

  The template class allows you to keep your HTML code in some external 
  files which are completely free of Matlab code, but contain replacement 
  fields. The class provides you with functions which can fill in the 
  replacement fields with arbitrary strings. These strings can become very 
  large, e.g. entire tables.
  See the PHPLib: <http://www.sanisoft.com/phplib/manual/template.php>
  See also GET, SET, PARSE


This function calls: This function is called by:
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