Home > Libraries > Loaders > read_anytext.m



import any text using 'looktxt'.


function s = read_anytext(varargin)


 import any text using 'looktxt'.
   data = read_anytext(filename, options...)

 The possible options are:
'--catenate'     Catenates similar numerical fields (which have similar dimensions 
                and names. Recommended.
'--fast'      When numerical data blocks only use isspace(3) separators 
                (\n \r \f \t \v and space), the reading can be made faster with 
                even lower memory requirements. Recommended.
'--headers'   Extracts headers for each numerical field. Recommended.
'--wrapped'   Catenates single wrapped output lines with previous matrices 
                (e.g. caused by the 80 chars per line limit in old data formats 
                written by fortran codes). Recommended.
'--section=SEC' Classifies fields into sections matching word SEC. This option 
                can be repeated with different SEC words.
'--metadata=META' Extracts lines containing word META as user metadata. This 
                option can be repeated with different META items.
'--makerows=NAME'    When a numerical data block label matching NAME is found, it 
                is transformed into a row vector. This may be used for wrapped 
                files (--wrapped option). This option can be repeatedwith as 
                different NAME tokens.
'--help'      Lists all possible options.
'--silent'    Suppress processing messages except errors.

 the importation consists in performing the following tasks:
 * handle arguments, looking for options (possibly with "string") and filenames
 * launch looktxt with Matlab/binary format on temporary file
 * import the MAT file as a structure

 read_anytext('compile') check looktxt and recompiles if needed
 (c) E.Farhi, ILL. License: EUPL.


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