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c = permute(a, order) : Permute object dimensions from iData objects/arrays


function a = permute(a, order)


 c = permute(a, order) : Permute object dimensions from iData objects/arrays

   @iData/permute rearranges the dimensions of object A so that they
     are in the order specified by the vector ORDER.  The object produced
     has the same values as A but the order of the subscripts needed to 
     access any particular element are rearranged as specified by ORDER.
   For an N-D array A, numel(ORDER)>=ndims(A). All the elements of 
     ORDER must be unique.
   PERMUTE is a generalization of transpose (.') 

 input:  a: object or array (iData)
         order: index of dimensions to swap/permute. 
                Default is [2 1], that is transpose.
 output: c: object or array (iData)
 ex:     c=permute(iData(rand(2,3,4)),[2 3 1]);

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, iData/size, iData/reshape, iData/resize


This function calls: This function is called by:
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