< Master index Index for Objects/@iData >

Index for iFit/Objects/@iData

Matlab files in this directory:

 absb = abs(s) : absolute value of iData object
 acosb = acos(s) : computes the arc cosine of iData object
 acoshb = acosh(s) : computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of iData object
 asinb = asin(s) : computes the arc sine of iData object
 asinhb = asinh(s) : computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of iData object
 atanb = atan(s) : computes the arc tangent of iData object
 atanhb = atanh(s) : computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of iData object
 avifilef = avifile(s, filename, options) : save iData object into a movie
 camprojs = camproj(a,dim) : projection/radial integration of iData objects elements
 cart2sphs = cart2sph(a,dim) : cartesian to polar/spherical representation of iData objects
 cats = cat(dim,a,...) : catenate iData objects elements along dimension
 caxisc = caxis(s, h) : Use the 2D/3D data as the colormap (CData property) in current object.
 ceilb = ceil(s) : upper integer round of iData object
 cell[content,fields]=cell(s) : convert iData objects into cells
 charc = char(s) : convert iData into character
 circshiftb=circshift(a, rank, shift): shifts the axis of specified rank by a value
 clabelb = clabel(s,label) : Change iData C axis label
 climb = clim(s,[ cmin cmax ]) : Reduce iData C axis limits
 colonb = colon(s) : vector of arrays
 colormaph=colormap(objects, colormaps, ..., options): Produce surfaces from iData 2D objects with different colormaps
 combinec = combine(a,b) : combines iData objects
 commandhistorycommandhistory(s) : show the command history of iData object
 conjb = conj(s) : conjugate of iData object
 contourh = contour(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as contour
 contour3h = contour3(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as 3D contour
 contourfh = contourf(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as filled contour
 convc = conv(a,b) : computes the convolution of iData objects
 convnc = convn(a,b) : computes the convolution of an iData object with a response function
 copyobjb = copyobj(s) : makes a copy of iData object
 corrcoefc = corrcoef(a,b) : correlation coefficient with an iData object
 cosb = cos(s) : computes the cosine of iData object
 coshb = cosh(s) : computes the hyperbolic cosine of iData object
 csvwritef = csvwrite(s, filename, options) : save iData object into a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
 ctransposeb = ctranspose(s) : complex conjugate transpose of iData object
 cumprods = cumprod(a,dim) : computes the cumulative product of iData objects elements
 cumsums = cumsum(a,dim) : computes the cumulative sum of iData objects elements
 cumtrapzs = cumtrapz(a,dim) : computes the cumulative product of iData objects elements
 cwtb = cwt(s,dim,scales,wname,'wname',...) : Continuous wavelet transform
 deconvc = deconv(a,b) : computes the deconvolution of iData objects
 del2b = del2(s) : computes the Discrete Laplacian of iData object
 diffb = diff(s) : computes the difference long 1st axis of iData object
 dispdisp(s) : display iData object (details)
 displayd = display(s) : display iData object (from command line)
 docdoc(iData): iData web page documentation
 dogs= dog(dim,a) : split iData objects elements along dimension
 doubled = double(s) : convert iData into doubles
 editedit(s) : edit iData object Signal/Monitor
 endb = end(s,index,n) : end value for iData objects
 eqc = eq(a,b) : equal comparison of iData objects
 eventc = event(a) : build an event list
 expb = exp(s) : exponential value of iData object
 fftc = fft(a) : computes the Discrete Fourier transform of iData objects
 fileattrib[attribute, link] = fileattrib(s, field) : return a field Attribute
 fillFILL fill-in over missing data
 findd = find(s) : find iData signal non zeros values
 findfield[match, types, nelements]=findfield(iData, field, option) : look for iData fields
 findobj[s,...]=findobj(s,...) : look for existing iData objects
 findstr[match, field]=findstr(s, str, option) : look for strings stored in iData
 fits[pars,criteria,message,output] = fits(a, model, pars, options, constraints, ...) : fit data set on a model
 fliplrb = fliplr(s) : Flip object in left/right direction
 flipudb = flipud(s) : Flip object in up/down direction
 floorb = floor(s) : lower integer round of iData object
 fullb = full(s) : Convert iData object storage to full matrix
 gec = ge(a,b) : greater-than-or-equal comparison of iData objects
 get[...] = get(s, 'PropertyName', ...) : get iData object properties
 getalias[link, label,names] = getalias(s, 'AliasName') : get iData alias
 getaxis[val, lab] = getaxis(s, AxisIndex) : get iData axis value and label
 getframeframe = getframe(s, dim, options) : create an iData object thumbnail/frame matrix
 gradientg = gradient(a, dim) : computes the gradient (derivative) of iData objects
 gtc = gt(a,b) : greater-than comparison of iData objects
 helpc = help(s) : display iData information as a Dialogue window
 histhist(a, axis1, axis2, ...) computes the accumulated histogram from event data sets
 ifftc = ifft(a) : computes the inverse Discrete Fourier transform of iData objects
 imagb = imag(s) : imaginary part of iData object
 imageh = image(r,g,b, option) : Plot up to 3 images overlayed on the RGB channels
 imroiimroi: define a region of interest on a data set
 imwritef = imwrite(s, filename, format) : save iData object into an image
 ind2subind2sub(s,index) : get indexed element in an iData array
 interp[b...] = interp(s, ...) : interpolate iData object
 intersect[ai,bi] = intersect(a, b) : computes object intersection area and values
 isemptyisempty(s) : true for empty iData object
 isequalc = isequal(a,b) : full numerical equality comparison of iData objects
 isfieldb = isfield(s, field) : check existence of field/alias in iData objects
 isfiniteb = isfinite(s) : True for finite iData object elements
 isfloatb = isfloat(s) : True for float iData object elements
 isinfb = isinf(s) : True for infinite iData object elements
 isintegerb = isinterger(s) : True for integer iData object elements
 islogicalb = islogical(s) : True for logical iData object elements
 isnanb = isnan(s) : True for NaN iData object elements
 isnumericb = isnumeric(s) : True for numeric iData object elements
 isrealb = isreal(s) : True for real iData object elements
 isscalarb = isscalar(s) : True for scalar iData objects
 issparseb = issparse(s) : True for sparse matrix iData object
 isvectorb = isvector(s) : True for vector iData object
 jacobian[b, j] = jacobian(a, new_axes, 'new_axes_labels'...) : computes the gradient (derivative) of iData objects
 kmeans[b,c] = kmeans(X, k) : k-means clustering of iData object
 labelb = label(s, alias, label) : Change iData label for a given alias/axis
 ldividec = ldivide(a,b) : fast notation for combine iData objects
 lec = le(a,b) : lower-than-or-equal comparison of iData objects
 linspacev = linspace(a,b,n) : creates a linearly spaced vector of objects
 loadd = load(s, file, loader, ...): iData file loader
 logb = log(s) : natural logarithm value of iData object
 log10b = log10(s) : base 10 logarithm value of iData object
 logicald = logical(s) : convert iData into logical array
 logspacev = logspace(a,b,n) : creates a logarithmically spaced vector of objects
 ltc = lt(a,b) : lower-than comparison of iData objects
 max[m,id] = max(a,b, dim) : computes the maximum value of iData object(s)
 meanb = mean(s, dim) : mean value of iData object
 medianb = median(s, dim) : median value of iData object
 meshh = mesh(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as mesh
 meshgrids = meshgrid(a) : transforms an iData object so that its axes are grids
 min[m,id] = min(a,b, dim) : computes the maximum value of iData object(s)
 minusc = minus(a,b) : computes the difference of iData objects
 mldividec = mldivide(a,b) : a\b is fast notation for combine(a,b)
 mpowerc = mpower(a,b) : computes the matrix-power of iData objects
 mrdividec = mrdivide(a,b) : computes the division of iData objects
 mtimesc = mtimes(a,b) : computes the matrix product of iData objects
 ndimsd = ndims(s) : get the dimensionality of iData object
 nec = ne(a,b) : not-equal comparison of iData objects
 normb = norm(s) : norm-2 of iData object
 notb = not(s) : computes the logical 'not' of iData object
 oness = ones(s,N,M,P,...) : initialize an iData array
 packb = pack(a) : compress iData storage to save memory
 pca[b] = pca(X, k) : Principal component analysis of iData object(s)
 pcolorh = pcolor(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as a flat matrix image
 peaks[half_width, center, amplitude, baseline] = peaks(s, dim, m) : peak position and width of iData
 permutec = permute(a, order) : Permute object dimensions from iData objects/arrays
 ploth = plot(s, method, ...) : plot iData object
 plot3h = plot3(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as separate points or semi-transparent volume
 plusc = plus(a,b) : computes the sum of iData objects
 powerc = power(a,b) : computes the power of iData objects
 prods = prod(a,dim) : computes the product of iData objects elements
 publishb = publish(s) : export the Dataset object as an HTML document.
 rdividec = rdivide(a,b) : computes the ratio of iData objects
 realb = real(s) : real value of iData object
 reducevolumeh = reducevolume(s, factor) : reduce an iData object size
 reshapec = reshape(a) : reshape the object Signal
 resizec = resize(a) : resize/rebin the object Signal
 rmaliass = rmalias(s, AliasName) : removes iData aliases
 rmaxiss = rmaxis(s, Axis) : delete iData axes
 rotates = rotate(a, theta) : computes the rotation of iData objects around the origin
 roundb = round(s) : upper integer round of iData object
 savef = save(s, filename, format, options) : save iData object into various data formats
 saveasf = saveas(s, filename, format, options) : save iData object into various data formats
 scatterh = scatter(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as separate colored points
 scatter3h = scatter3(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as separate colored points
 set[s,...] = set(s, 'PropertyName', Propertyvalue, ...) : set iData properties
 setalias[s,...] = setalias(s, AliasName, AliasLink, {AliasLabel}) : set iData aliases
 setaxiss = setaxis(s, rank, alias, value) : set iData axes
 signb = sign(s) : sign of iData object
 sinb = sin(s) : computes the sine of iData object
 singled = single(s) : convert iData into single floats
 sinhb = sinh(s) : computes the hyperbolic sine of iData object
 sizesize(s) : get iData object size (number of elements)
 sliceslice(s) : Plot a 2D/3D object with slice rendering
 smoothZ = smooth(Y) : smooth iData objects
 sorts = sort(a,dim) : Sort iData objects axes in ascending or descending order
 sparseb = sparse(s) : Convert iData object storage to sparse
 sqrc = sqr(a) : computes the square of iData objects
 sqrtb = sqrt(s) : square root value of iData object
 squeezec = squeeze(a) : remove singleton dimensions from iData objects/arrays
 std[half_width, center] = std(s, dim) : standard deviation of iData
 strfind[match, field]=strfind(s, pattern, option) : search for pattern in iData
 subploth = subplot(s) : plot iData array as subplots
 subsasgnb = subsasgn(a,index,b) : iData indexed assignement
 subsindexd = subsindex(s) : subscript index for iData objects
 subsrefb = subsref(a,s) : iData indexed references
 sums = sum(a,dim) : computes the sum of iData objects elements
 surfh = surf(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as surface
 surfch = surfc(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as surface+contour
 surflh = surfl(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as surface with light
 tanb = tan(s) : computes the tangent of iData object
 tanhb = tanh(s) : computes the hyperbolic tangent of iData object
 timesc = times(a,b) : computes the product of iData objects
 titleb = title(s,label) : Change iData Signal label
 transposeb = transpose(s) : non-conjugate transpose of iData object
 trapzs = trapz(a,dim) : computes the integral of iData objects elements along given dimension
 uminusb = uminus(s) : opposite value of iData object
 union[ai,bi] = union(a, b) : computes object union area and values
 uniques = unique(a,dim) : set unique iData objects axes with no repetitions
 uplusb = uplus(s) : makes a copy of iData object
 versionv = version(iData): iData class version
 waterfallh = waterfall(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as waterfall (side by side lines)
 xcorrc = xcorr(a,b,shape) : computes the correlation of iData objects
 xlabelb = xlabel(s,label) : Change iData X axis label
 xlimb = xlim(s,[ xmin xmax ]) : Reduce iData X axis limits
 xmlwritef = xmlwrite(s, filename) : save iData object into an XML file
 ylabelb = ylabel(s,label) : Change iData Y axis label
 ylimb = ylim(s,[ ymin ymax ]) : Reduce iData Y axis limits
 zeross = zeros(s,N,M,P,...) : initialize an iData array
 zlabelb = zlabel(s,label) : Change iData Z axis label
 zlimb = zlim(s,[ zmin zmax ]) : Reduce iData Z axis limits

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