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[match, field]=findstr(s, str, option) : look for strings stored in iFunc


function [match, field] = findstr(s, str, option)


 [match, field]=findstr(s, str, option) : look for strings stored in iFunc

   @iFunc/findstr function to look for strings stored in iFunc

   [match,field] = findstr(iFunc, str) returns the string containg 'str' 
     and the field name it appears in. If 'str' is set to '', the content of all
     character fields is returned.
   The 'option' may contain 'exact' to search for the exact occurence, and 'case'
   to specifiy a case sensitive search.

 input:  s: object or array (iFunc)
         str: string to search in object, or '' (char or cellstr).
         option: 'exact' 'case' or '' (char)
 output: match: content of iFunc fields that contain 'str' (cellstr)
         field: name of iFunc fields that contain 'str' (cellstr)
 ex:     findstr(iFunc,'ILL') or findstr(s,'TITLE','exact case')

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iFunc, iFunc/set, iFunc/get, iFunc/findobj, iFunc/findfield


This function calls: This function is called by:
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