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findjobj Find java objects contained within a specified java container or Matlab GUI handle


function [handles,levels,parentIdx,listing] = findjobj(container,varargin) %#ok<*CTCH,*ASGLU,*MSNU,*NASGU>


findjobj Find java objects contained within a specified java container or Matlab GUI handle

    [handles, levels, parentIds, listing] = findjobj(container, 'PropName',PropValue(s), ...)

 Input parameters:
    container - optional handle to java container uipanel or figure. If unsupplied then current figure will be used
    'PropName',PropValue - optional list of property pairs (case insensitive). PropName may also be named -PropName
         'position' - filter results based on those elements that contain the specified X,Y position or a java element
                      Note: specify a Matlab position (X,Y = pixels from bottom left corner), not a java one
         'size'     - filter results based on those elements that have the specified W,H (in pixels)
         'class'    - filter results based on those elements that contain the substring  (or java class) PropValue
                      Note1: filtering is case insensitive and relies on regexp, so you can pass wildcards etc.
                      Note2: '-class' is an undocumented findobj PropName, but only works on Matlab (not java) classes
         'property' - filter results based on those elements that possess the specified case-insensitive property string
                      Note1: passing a property value is possible if the argument following 'property' is a cell in the
                             format of {'propName','propValue'}. Example: FINDJOBJ(...,'property',{'Text','click me'})
                      Note2: partial property names (e.g. 'Tex') are accepted, as long as they're not ambiguous
         'depth'    - filter results based on specified depth. 0=top-level, Inf=all levels (default=Inf)
         'flat'     - same as specifying: 'depth',0
         'not'      - negates the following filter: 'not','class','c' returns all elements EXCEPT those with class 'c'
         'persist'  - persist figure components information, allowing much faster results for subsequent invocations
         'nomenu'   - skip menu processing, for "lean" list of handles & much faster processing;
                      This option is the default for HG containers but not for figure, Java or no container
         'print'    - display all java elements in a hierarchical list, indented appropriately
                      Note1: optional PropValue of element index or handle to java container
                      Note2: normally this option would be placed last, after all filtering is complete. Placing this
                             option before some filters enables debug print-outs of interim filtering results.
                      Note3: output is to the Matlab command window unless the 'listing' (4th) output arg is requested
         'list'     - same as 'print'
         'debug'    - list found component positions in the Command Window

 Output parameters:
    handles   - list of handles to java elements
    levels    - list of corresponding hierarchy level of the java elements (top=0)
    parentIds - list of indexes (in unfiltered handles) of the parent container of the corresponding java element
    listing   - results of 'print'/'list' options (empty if these options were not specified)

    Note: If no output parameter is specified, then an interactive window will be displayed with a
    ^^^^  tree view of all container components, their properties and callbacks.

    findjobj;                     % display list of all javaelements of currrent figure in an interactive GUI
    handles = findjobj;           % get list of all java elements of current figure (inc. menus, toolbars etc.)
    findjobj('print');            % list all java elements in current figure
    findjobj('print',6);          % list all java elements in current figure, contained within its 6th element
    handles = findjobj(hButton);                                     % hButton is a matlab button
    handles = findjobj(gcf,'position',getpixelposition(hButton,1));  % same as above but also return hButton's panel
    handles = findjobj(hButton,'persist');                           % same as above, persist info for future reuse
    handles = findjobj('class','pushbutton');                        % get all pushbuttons in current figure
    handles = findjobj('class','pushbutton','position',123,456);     % get all pushbuttons at the specified position
    handles = findjobj(gcf,'class','pushbutton','size',23,15);       % get all pushbuttons with the specified size
    handles = findjobj('property','Text','not','class','button');    % get all non-button elements with 'text' property
    handles = findjobj('-property',{'Text','click me'});             % get all elements with 'text' property = 'click me'

 Sample usage:
    hButton = uicontrol('string','click me');
    jButton = findjobj(hButton,'nomenu');
      % or: jButton = findjobj('property',{'Text','click me'});
    set(jButton,'FocusGainedCallback',@myMatlabFunction);   % some 30 callback points available...
    jButton.get;   % list all changeable properties...

    hEditbox = uicontrol('style','edit');
    jEditbox = findjobj(hEditbox,'nomenu');
    jEditbox.KeyTypedCallback = @myCallbackFunc;  % many more callbacks where this came from...

 Technical explanation & details:

 Known issues/limitations:
    - Cannot currently process multiple container objects - just one at a time
    - Initial processing is a bit slow when the figure is laden with many UI components (so better use 'persist')
    - Passing a simple container Matlab handle is currently filtered by its position+size: should find a better way to do this
    - Matlab uipanels are not implemented as simple java panels, and so they can't be found using this utility
    - Labels have a write-only text property in java, so they can't be found using the 'property',{'Text','string'} notation

    This code heavily relies on undocumented and unsupported Matlab functionality.
    It works on Matlab 7+, but use at your own risk!

 Bugs and suggestions:
    Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)

 Change log:
    2016-04-19: Fixed edge-cases in old Matlab release; slightly improved performance even further
    2016-04-14: Improved performance for the most common use-case (single input/output): improved code + allow inspecting groot
    2016-04-11: Improved performance for the most common use-case (single input/output)
    2015-01-12: Differentiate between overlapping controls (for example in different tabs); fixed case of docked figure
    2014-10-20: Additional fixes for R2014a, R2014b
    2014-10-13: Fixes for R2014b
    2014-01-04: Minor fix for R2014a; check for newer FEX version up to twice a day only
    2013-12-29: Only check for newer FEX version in non-deployed mode; handled case of invisible figure container
    2013-10-08: Fixed minor edge case (retrieving multiple scroll-panes)
    2013-06-30: Additional fixes for the upcoming HG2
    2013-05-15: Fix for the upcoming HG2
    2013-02-21: Fixed HG-Java warnings
    2013-01-23: Fixed callbacks table grouping & editing bugs; added hidden properties to the properties tooltip; updated help section
    2013-01-13: Improved callbacks table; fixed tree refresh failure; fixed: tree node-selection didn't update the props pane nor flash the selected component
    2012-07-25: Fixes for R2012a as well as some older Matlab releases
    2011-12-07: Fixed 'File is empty' messages in compiled apps
    2011-11-22: Fix suggested by Ward
    2011-02-01: Fixes for R2011a
    2010-06-13: Fixes for R2010b; fixed download (m-file => zip-file)
    2010-04-21: Minor fix to support combo-boxes (aka drop-down, popup-menu) on Windows
    2010-03-17: Important release: Fixes for R2010a, debug listing, objects not found, component containers that should be ignored etc.
    2010-02-04: Forced an EDT redraw before processing; warned if requested handle is invisible
    2010-01-18: Found a way to display label text next to the relevant node name
    2009-10-28: Fixed uitreenode warning
    2009-10-27: Fixed auto-collapse of invisible container nodes; added dynamic tree tooltips & context-menu; minor fix to version-check display
    2009-09-30: Fix for Matlab 7.0 as suggested by Oliver W; minor GUI fix (classname font)
    2009-08-07: Fixed edge-case of missing JIDE tables
    2009-05-24: Added support for future Matlab versions that will not support JavaFrame
    2009-05-15: Added sanity checks for axes items
    2009-04-28: Added 'debug' input arg; increased size tolerance 1px => 2px
    2009-04-23: Fixed location of popupmenus (always 20px high despite what's reported by Matlab...); fixed uiinspect processing issues; added blog link; narrower action buttons
    2009-04-09: Automatic 'nomenu' for uicontrol inputs; significant performance improvement
    2009-03-31: Fixed position of some Java components; fixed properties tooltip; fixed node visibility indication
    2009-02-26: Indicated components visibility (& auto-collapse non-visible containers); auto-highlight selected component; fixes in node icons, figure title & tree refresh; improved error handling; display FindJObj version update description if available
    2009-02-24: Fixed update check; added dedicated labels icon
    2009-02-18: Fixed compatibility with old Matlab versions
    2009-02-08: Callbacks table fixes; use uiinspect if available; fix update check according to new FEX website
    2008-12-17: R2008b compatibility
    2008-09-10: Fixed minor bug as per Johnny Smith
    2007-11-14: Fixed edge case problem with class properties tooltip; used existing object icon if available; added checkbox option to hide standard callbacks
    2007-08-15: Fixed object naming relative property priorities; added sanity check for illegal container arg; enabled desktop (0) container; cleaned up warnings about special class objects
    2007-08-03: Fixed minor tagging problems with a few Java sub-classes; displayed UIClassID if text/name/tag is unavailable
    2007-06-15: Fixed problems finding HG components found by J. Wagberg
    2007-05-22: Added 'nomenu' option for improved performance; fixed 'export handles' bug; fixed handle-finding/display bugs; "cleaner" error handling
    2007-04-23: HTMLized classname tooltip; returned top-level figure Frame handle for figure container; fixed callbacks table; auto-checked newer version; fixed Matlab 7.2 compatibility issue; added HG objects tree
    2007-04-19: Fixed edge case of missing figure; displayed tree hierarchy in interactive GUI if no output args; workaround for figure sub-menus invisible unless clicked
    2007-04-04: Improved performance; returned full listing results in 4th output arg; enabled partial property names & property values; automatically filtered out container panels if children also returned; fixed finding sub-menu items
    2007-03-20: First version posted on the MathWorks file exchange: <a href="http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=14317">http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=14317</a>

 See also:
    java, handle, findobj, findall, javaGetHandles, uiinspect (on the File Exchange)


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