Home > Objects > iFunc_subclasses > @iFunc_McCode > plot.m



iFunc_McCode/plot: runs the model in --trace mode and capture the output


function [comps, fig, model]=plot(model, p, options, match)


 iFunc_McCode/plot: runs the model in --trace mode and capture the output
 grab all MCDISPLAY lines, and render the TRACE information into a figure.

     displays the given McCode model with its defaults/current parameters.
  plot(model, parameters)
     same as above, but uses the given parameters (vector, structure, cell, string)
  plot(model, parameters, options)
     same as above, and specifies an output file format to generate
  plot(model, parameters, options, match)
     same as above, and only plot component names that match 'match'
     displays the default instrument geometry (templateDIFF)
  [comps, fig] = plot(...)
     returns the list of components, figure used for display and updated model.
   model = mccode('templateDIFF')
     a figure is generated, which shows the instrument geometry.
   plot(model, '','', 'Diff_')
   plot(model, '','', 'Monok:Sample')
   plot(model, '','', '3:inf')
   plot(model, '','', {'Diff_Mono_XY', 'Alpha',')

   [comps, fig, model]=plot(model, p, options, match)

   model:      instrument simulation as obtained with 'mccode' (iFunc)
               or path to an instrument definition to compile.
   parameters: parameters to use, as a vector, cell, structure... or empty for default
   options:    rendering/export options. Can contain 
     'html','x3d','png','pdf','fig','tif','jpg','eps', 'svg' or empty for no output
   match:      token(s) to only render components that match it, or empty for all.
               each token can be: 
                 a single component word for partial match, such as 'Monitor'
                 a component interval such as 'Monok:Sample' or 2:10 or '2:end'
               you may specify a cell of tokens for multiple matches.
   comps: a list of component specifications (structure array)
   fig:   figure handle
   model: model, updated or created (iFunc)

 See also: mccode, iFunc, iFunc/feval, http://www.mcstas.org


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