y = pareto(p, x, [y]) : Pareto distribution function. iFunc/pareto Pareto distribution function. y = p(4)+ p(1)*(p(3)./x).^p(2); pareto(width) creates a model with a specified width pareto([ parameters ]) creates a model with specified model parameters Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution input: p: Pareto model parameters (double) p = [ Amplitude Exponent Width BackGround ] or 'guess' x: axis (double) y: when values are given and p='guess', a guess of the parameters is performed (double) output: y: model value ex: y=pareto([1 0 1 1], -10:10); or plot(pareto); Version: Nov. 26, 2018 See also iFunc, iFunc/fits, iFunc/plot (c) E.Farhi, ILL. License: EUPL.