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Index for iFit/Scripts/Models

Matlab files in this directory:

 allometricy = allometric(p, x, [y]) : Power/Freundlich/Belehradek function
 bigaussy = bigauss(p, x, [y]) : Bi-Gaussian
 bilorzy = bilorz(p, x, [y]) : Bi-Lorentzian
 bosey = bose(p, x, [y]) : Bose
 constanty = constant(p) : Constant
 dhoy = dho(p, x, [y]) : Damped harmonic oscillator
 diracy = dirac(p, x, [y]) : Dirac
 doserespy = doseresp(p, x, [y]) : Dose-response curve with variable Hill slope
 expony = expon(p, x, [y]) : Exponential decay
 expstretchedy = expstretched(p, x, [y]) : Exponential decay
 fconvFCONV Fast Convolution/Correlation
 fconvnFCONVN Fast Convolution with nomalization and centering of the filter.
 fxcorrFXCORR Correlation
 gaussy = gauss(p, x, [y]) : Gaussian
 gauss1y = gauss1(p, x, [y]) : Gaussian without background
 gauss2dsignal = gauss2d(p, x, y, {signal}) : 2D Gaussian function
 greeny = green(p, x, [y]) : Green function
 heavisidey = heaviside(p, x, [y]) : Heaviside step function
 langeviny = langevin(p, x, [y]) : Langevin function for magnetic polarization
 laplacey = laplace(p, x, [y]) : Laplace distribution function.
 lognormaly = lognormal(p, x, [y]) : Log-Normal distribution function.
 lorzy = lorz(p, x, [y]) : Lorentzian
 lorz1y = lorz1(p, x, [y]) : Lorentzian without background
 lorz2dsignal = lorz2d(p, x, y, {signal}) : 2D Lorenztian function
 maxwelly = Maxwell(p, x, [y]) : Maxwellian
 paretoy = pareto(p, x, [y]) : Pareto distribution function.
 plane2dsignal = plane2d(p, x, y, {signal}) : Planar function
 poissony = poisson(p, x, [y]) : Poisson distribution function.
 powerlawy = powerlaw(p, x, [y]) : power law model
 pseudovoigty = pseudovoigt(p, x, [y]) : Pseudo Voigt
 pseudovoigt2dsignal = pseudovoigt2d(p, x, y, {signal}) : 2D Pseudo Voigt function
 quad2dsignal = quad2d(p, x, y, {signal}) : 2D Quadratic function
 quadliney = quadline(p, x, [y]) : Quadratic line
 sigmoidy = sigmoid(p, x, [y]) : Sigmoidal
 siney = sine(p, x, [y]) : Sine function.
 sinedampy = sinedamp(p, x, [y]) : Sine function.
 strliney = strline(p, x, [y]) : Straight line
 tophaty = tophat(p, x, [y]) : Top-Hat rectangular function
 triangly = triangl(p, x, [y]) : Triangular
 twoexpsignal = twoexp(p, x, {signal}) : two exponential decay functions
 voigty = voigt(p, x, [y]) : Voigt function

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