c = caxis(s, h) : Use the 2D/3D data as the colormap (CData property) in current object.
function c = caxis(a, h)
This function calls:
- caxis c = caxis(s, h) : Use the 2D/3D data as the colormap (CData property) in current object.
- double d = double(s) : convert iData into doubles
- end b = end(s,index,n) : end value for iData objects
- get [...] = get(s, 'PropertyName', ...) : get iData object properties
- isempty isempty(s) : true for empty iData object
- isvector b = isvector(s) : True for vector iData object
- linspace v = linspace(a,b,n) : creates a linearly spaced vector of objects
- ndims d = ndims(s) : get the dimensionality of iData object
- ones s = ones(s,N,M,P,...) : initialize an iData array
- set [s,...] = set(s, 'PropertyName', Propertyvalue, ...) : set iData properties
- size size(s) : get iData object size (number of elements)
- zeros s = zeros(s,N,M,P,...) : initialize an iData array
This function is called by:
- caxis c = caxis(s, h) : Use the 2D/3D data as the colormap (CData property) in current object.
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