PURPOSE ![^](../../up.png)
[...] = get(s, 'PropertyName', ...) : get iData object properties
SYNOPSIS ![^](../../up.png)
function [varargout] = get(this,varargin)
DESCRIPTION ![^](../../up.png)
This function calls:
- cell [content,fields]=cell(s) : convert iData objects into cells
- char c = char(s) : convert iData into character
- disp disp(s) : display iData object (details)
- display d = display(s) : display iData object (from command line)
- end b = end(s,index,n) : end value for iData objects
- get [...] = get(s, 'PropertyName', ...) : get iData object properties
- iData d = iData(a, ...) : iData class object constructor
- isempty isempty(s) : true for empty iData object
- isnumeric b = isnumeric(s) : True for numeric iData object elements
- isscalar b = isscalar(s) : True for scalar iData objects
- subsref b = subsref(a,s) : iData indexed references
This function is called by:
- cat s = cat(dim,a,...) : catenate iData objects elements along dimension
- caxis c = caxis(s, h) : Use the 2D/3D data as the colormap (CData property) in current object.
- commandhistory commandhistory(s) : show the command history of iData object
- disp disp(s) : display iData object (details)
- display d = display(s) : display iData object (from command line)
- edit edit(s) : edit iData object Signal/Monitor
- end b = end(s,index,n) : end value for iData objects
- event c = event(a) : build an event list
- fft c = fft(a) : computes the Discrete Fourier transform of iData objects
- fill FILL fill-in over missing data
- find d = find(s) : find iData signal non zeros values
- findfield [match, types, nelements]=findfield(iData, field, option) : look for iData fields
- findobj [s,...]=findobj(s,...) : look for existing iData objects
- findstr [match, field]=findstr(s, str, option) : look for strings stored in iData
- fits [pars,criteria,message,output] = fits(a, model, pars, options, constraints, ...) : fit data set on a model
- get [...] = get(s, 'PropertyName', ...) : get iData object properties
- getalias [link, label,names] = getalias(s, 'AliasName') : get iData alias
- getaxis [val, lab] = getaxis(s, AxisIndex) : get iData axis value and label
- getframe frame = getframe(s, dim, options) : create an iData object thumbnail/frame matrix
- gradient g = gradient(a, dim) : computes the gradient (derivative) of iData objects
- help c = help(s) : display iData information as a Dialogue window
- hist hist(a, axis1, axis2, ...) computes the accumulated histogram from event data sets
- iData d = iData(a, ...) : iData class object constructor
- image h = image(r,g,b, option) : Plot up to 3 images overlayed on the RGB channels
- ind2sub ind2sub(s,index) : get indexed element in an iData array
- isequal c = isequal(a,b) : full numerical equality comparison of iData objects
- jacobian [b, j] = jacobian(a, new_axes, 'new_axes_labels'...) : computes the gradient (derivative) of iData objects
- linspace v = linspace(a,b,n) : creates a linearly spaced vector of objects
- load d = load(s, file, loader, ...): iData file loader
- logical d = logical(s) : convert iData into logical array
- logspace v = logspace(a,b,n) : creates a logarithmically spaced vector of objects
- max [m,id] = max(a,b, dim) : computes the maximum value of iData object(s)
- min [m,id] = min(a,b, dim) : computes the maximum value of iData object(s)
- mtimes c = mtimes(a,b) : computes the matrix product of iData objects
- ndims d = ndims(s) : get the dimensionality of iData object
- pack b = pack(a) : compress iData storage to save memory
- pca [b] = pca(X, k) : Principal component analysis of iData object(s)
- peaks [half_width, center, amplitude, baseline] = peaks(s, dim, m) : peak position and width of iData
- plot h = plot(s, method, ...) : plot iData object
- rotate s = rotate(a, theta) : computes the rotation of iData objects around the origin
- saveas f = saveas(s, filename, format, options) : save iData object into various data formats
- setalias [s,...] = setalias(s, AliasName, AliasLink, {AliasLabel}) : set iData aliases
- setaxis s = setaxis(s, rank, alias, value) : set iData axes
- single d = single(s) : convert iData into single floats
- squeeze c = squeeze(a) : remove singleton dimensions from iData objects/arrays
- subsasgn b = subsasgn(a,index,b) : iData indexed assignement
- subsindex d = subsindex(s) : subscript index for iData objects
- subsref b = subsref(a,s) : iData indexed references
- unique s = unique(a,dim) : set unique iData objects axes with no repetitions
Generated on Tue 22-Aug-2017 11:03:30 by m2html © 2005. iFit (c) E.Farhi/ILL EUPL 1.1