assigns g-tensor to magnetic ions ADDG(obj, matrixIdx, {atomTypeIdx}, {atomIdx}) Input: matrixIdx Either an integer, that selects the matrix obj.matrix.mat(:,:,matrixIdx), or a string identical to one of the previously defined matrix labels, stored in obj.matrix.label. Maximum value is nJ. atomTypeIdx String or cell of strings that select magnetic atoms by their label. Also can be a vector that contains integers, the index of the magnetic atoms in obj.unit_cell, with all symmetry equivalent atoms. Maximum value is nAtom, if undefined g-tensor is assigned to all magnetic atoms. Optional. atomIdx A vector that contains indices selecting some of the symmetry equivalent atoms. Maximum value is the number of symmetry equivalent atoms generated. If crystal symmetry is not 0, atomIdx is not allowed, since the g-tensor for equivalent atoms will be calculated using the symmetry operators of the space group. Optional. Output: The function adds extra entries in the 'single_ion.g' field of the obj sw object. Example: ... cryst.addmatrix('label','g1','value',diag([1.8 1.8 2.1])) cryst.gencoupling cryst.addg('g1') This will add the 'g1' diagonal matrix to all magnetic atoms as anisotropic g-tensor. See also SW, SW.ADDCOUPLING, SW.ADDANISO, SW.ADDMATRIX.