returns information on atoms in the crystallographic unit cell unit_cell_info = UNITCELL(obj, idx) The function returns information on symmetry inequivalent atoms. Input: obj sw class object. idx Selects certain atoms. If undefined UNIT_CELL(obj) or obj.UNIT_CELL returns information on all atoms. The selection can be also done according to the atom labels, in this case either a string of the label or cell of strings for several labels can be given. Output: 'unit_cell_info' is a tructure with the following fields: r Positions of the atoms in the unit cell, in a matrix with dimensions of [3 nAtom], in lattice units. S Spin quantum number of the atoms, in a [1 nAtom] horizontal vector, non-magnetic atoms have S=0. label Label of the atom, strings in a cell with dimensions of [1 nAtom]. color Color of the atom in a matrix with dimensions of [3 nAtom], where every column is an 0-255 RGB color code. Example: ... cryst.unit_cell = unitcell(cryst,[1 3]); The example keeps only the first and third symmetry inequivalent atoms in cryst object. ... cryst.unit_cell = unitcell(cryst,'O'); The example keeps only the Oxygen atoms in cryst object. See also SW.ADDTWIN, SW.TWINQ, SW.UNIT_CELL.