Home > Applications > SpinW > external > grabxy.m



reads coordinates from raster image


function pts = grabxy(fName, ax)


 reads coordinates from raster image

 pts = GRABXY(fName, ax)


 fName         String, path to the image file.
 ax            (x,y) coordinates of the three axis points, with dimensions
               of 2x3. If ax is omitted or empty, GRABXY just shows the


 pts           Matrix, where the first row are the x coordinates the
               second row is the y coordinates.

 How to use the function?

 You need an image where you know the coordinates of three points. These
 coordinates has to be given as the ax input to the grabxy() function.
 After calling the function, it shows the image file and the first three
 mouse clicks on the figure will determine the position of the three
 predefined points (shown as red circles) given in ax. Any other click
 afterwards will grab coordinates (shown as green circles). The coordinates
 of the green circles will be returned. If you don't want to grab more
 points, just right click anywhere on the figure.


This function calls: This function is called by:
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