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export data from sw object into different file formats


function out = export(obj, varargin)


 export data from sw object into different file formats

 out = EXPORT(obj, 'Option1', Value1, ...)

 Different part of the sw object data can be exported selected by the
 'format' option. Right now the following formats are supported:

 'pcr'     Creates part of a .pcr file used by FullProf. It exports the
           atomic positions.
 'spt'     Creates a Jmol script, that reproduce the same plot as used the
           built in sw.plot() function. Any additional parameter of the
           sw.plot() function can be used.
 'MC'      Exports a proprietary file format for Monte Carlo simulations.

 Other general options:

 path      Path to a file into which the data will be exported, 'out' will
           be true if the file succesfully saved, otherwise false.
 fid       File identifier that is already opened in Matlab using the
           fid = fopen() function. 'out' will be the input fid. Don't
           forget to close the text file afterwards.

 Format related options:

 PCR format:
 perm      Permutation of the xyz atomic positions, default is [1 2 3].

 MC format:
 boundary  Boundary conditions of the extended unit cell.
                 'free'  Free, interactions between extedned unit cells are
                 'per'   Periodic, interactions between extended unit cells
                         are retained.
             Default is {'per' 'per' 'per'}.

 If neither 'path' nor 'fid' is given, the 'out' will be a cell containing
 strings for each line of the text output.


 cryst = sw('test.cif');

 In this example the crystal structure is imported from the test.cif file,
 and the atomic positions are saved into the test.pcr file for FullProf
 refinement (the pcr file needs additional text to work with FullProf).

 Jmol Wiki: http://wiki.jmol.org/index.php/Main_Page
 FullProf:  https://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof


This function calls: This function is called by:
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