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plots crystal structure, magnetic structure, anisotropy and couplings


function varargout = plot(obj, varargin)


 plots crystal structure, magnetic structure, anisotropy and couplings

 [hFigure, handle] = PLOT(obj, 'option1', value1, ...)

 The function plots the atoms and couplings stored in obj onto a Matlab
 figure. Optionally a script output can be produced that creates a jMol
 plot of the crystal structure.


 obj               sw class object.


   range           Plotting range of the lattice parameters in lattice
                   units, dimensions are [3 2]. For example to plot the
                   first unit cell, use: [0 1;0 1;0 1]. Also the number
                   unit cells can be given along the a, b and c
                   directions: [2 1 2], that is equivalent to
                   [0 2;0 1;0 2]. Default is the single unit cell.
   format          Output format string with the following values:
                       'plot'  Plot onto Matlab figure. (Default)
                       'jmol'  Return Jmol script file as a script,
                               (.spt file).

   Axis & labels =========================================================

   legend          Whether to plot legend, default is true.
   pCell           Whether to plot unit cell at the origin, defult is
   pMultCell       Whether to plot multiple unit cells, default is false.
   pAxis           Whether to plot (a,b,c) axis, default is true.
   labelAtom       Whether to plot labels for atoms, default is true.
   tooltip         Whether to write tooltip information for graphical
                   objects. Default is true.
   cCell           Color of the unit cell, default is black ([0 0 0]).
   cAxis           Color of the (a,b,c) axis, [R G B], default is
                   black ([0 0 0]).
   lineStyleCell   Line style of the unit cell, default is '--'.
   lineWidthCell   Line width of the unit cell, default is 1.
   dAxis           Distance of coordinate system arrows origin from
                   crystal origin in Angstrom, default is [0.5;1.5;2.0].
   dText           Distance between item and its text label, default is
                   0.2 Angstrom.
   fontSize        Font size of all text on the plot in pt, default is 12.
   rAxis           Radius of the cylinder of the axis vectors, default is
   angHeadAxis     Angle of the axis arrow head, default is 15 deg.
   lHeadAxis       Length of the axis arrow head, default is 0.5

   Atom ==================================================================

   rAtom           The default atom radius, default is 0.3
                   Angstrom. If zero, no atoms are drawn.
   pNonMagAtom     Whether to plot non-magnetic atoms, default is true.
   rAtomData       The source of atomic radius data:
                    false: use rAtom for all atoms (default)
                    true:  use radius data from database based on atom
                           label multiplied by rAtom value.
   cAtom           Color of the atoms. Default is 'auto', when all atom
                   gets the color stored in obj.unit_cell. To fix the
                   color of all atoms to a single color, give [R G B]
                   vector as option, containing the RGB code of the color.

   Magnetic structure ====================================================

   pSpin           Whether to plot magnetic structure, default is true.
   cSpin           Color of the magnetic moment vectors, default is 'auto'
                   when each spin vector has the color of the magnetic
                   atom it belongs to.
   sSpin           Scaling factor for the lenght of the magnetic moments,
                   default is 1.
   rSpin           Radius of the cylinder of the spins, default is 0.06.
   angHeadSpin     Angle of the spin arrow head, default is 15 deg.
   lHeadSpin       Length of the spin arrow head, default is 0.5
   aPlaneSpin      Transparency (alpha value) of the circle, representing
                   rotation plane of the moments, default is 0.07.
   coplanar        Decides the limits for plotting the plane of the
                   magnetic moments.
                    0    No plane is plotted.
                    x    Plane of the moment is plotted if the best
                         fitting plane is better than x.
                   Default value is 0.
   centerS         If true, the spin vector is centered on the atom, if
                   false the beggining of the spin vector is on the atom.
                   Default is true.

   Anisotropy and g-tensor ===============================================

   sEll            Select, whether to plot ellipsoid for anisotropy or
                    0:     no ellipsoid is drawn
                    1:     anisotropy (default)
                    2:     g-tensor.
   rEll            Whether to draw the ellipsoid giving the anisotropy or
                    0:   No ellipsoid is drawn.
                    R:   The maximum radius of the ellipsoid.
                   Default value is 1.
   aEll            Transparency (alpha value) of the ellipsoid, default is
   eEll            Minimum radius of the principal axes of the ellipse.
   lwEll           Line width of the main circles surrounding the
                   ellipsoid, if zero no circles are drawn. Default is 1.

   Couplings =============================================================

   pCoupling       Plot couplings. Default is true.
   pZeroCoupling   Plot couplings with zero value, default is true.
   sCoupling       Select, whether to plot the symmetric part of the
                   exchange as ellipsoid or a vector for the antisymmetric
                   part (DM vector):
                    0:     nothing on the bond
                    1:     DM vector (default)
                    2:     symmetric exchange.
   eCoupling       Minimum radius of the ellipsoid.
   scaleC          The numerical value is used to
                   scale the length of the DM vector or the radius of the
                   ellispoid. Default is 1.
   cCoupling       Color of different couplings. Default is 'auto', when
                   they are set to the color stored in the corresponding
                   obj.matrix. [R G B] will fix the color of all couplings
                   to a uniform one.
   cDM             Color of different DM vectors. Default is 'auto', when
                   they are set to the color stored in the corresponding
                   obj.matrix. [R G B] will fix the color of all DM
                   vectors to a uniform one.
   rCoupling       Radius of the cylinder of the couplings, default is
                   0.05 Angstrom.
   aCoupling       To plot couplings as arrows from atom1 to atom2 in
                   sw.couplingtable.table. If true arrows are plotted on
                   all bonds. Default is false if no DM interaction
                   present, otherwise true.

   Other options =========================================================

   surfRes         Number of points on the surface mesh, default is 30.
   wSpace          Space between figure window and plot structure,
                   default is 10.
   hg              Whether to use hgtransform (nice rotation with the
                   mouse) or default Matlab rotation of 3D objects.
                   Default is true.
   hFigure         Handle of the figure to plot. In not given, the figure
                   window handle is determined automatically.
   zoom            Number of steps to zoom in/out on the figure. Positive
                   number gives zoom in, negative numbers give zoom out.
                   One step equal to the (+/-) button press on the figure
                   toolbar. Default is zero.


 For plotting:
 hFigure           Handle of the plot figure.
 handle            Stores the handles for all graphical object in a

 For 'jmol' script file output:
 strOut            A single string is returned, that contains a Jmol
                   script that reproduce the figure as close as possible.

 The labels on the atom has the following meaning:

   idx1    The index of the atom in obj.unit_cell
   idx2    The index of the atom in obj.atom

 To access the graphical objects, use the function:
   handleList = sw_getobject(tagName,fHandle);
 This command returns all objects with tagName string in their 'Tag'
 field, in figure with fHandle.

 List of Tag values:
 unitCell         Unit cell.
 arrow            Arrows of the lattice vectors.
 arrowText        Text of the lattice vectors.
 atom_            Spheres of the atoms, for example 'atom_Cr' for atoms
                  with the label 'Cr'.
 aniso_           Anisotropy ellipsoid with atom names, for example
                  'aniso_Cr', symbolising the anisotropy matrix.
 atomText_        Label of atoms, for example 'atomText_Cr'.
 coupling_        Cylinder of couplings, for example 'coupling_J1' for the
                  couplings with label 'J1'.
 spinPlane        Circle showing the plane of the spins.
 legend           Legend.


 sq = sw_model('squareAF',1);

 The example plots the structure, couplings and magnetic structure of the
 square lattice antiferromagnet.



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