Home > Applications > SpinW > m_files > @sw > getmatrix.m



gives the symmetry allowed matrices for a given coupling or anisotropy


function [aMat, param, pOp] = getmatrix(obj, varargin)


 gives the symmetry allowed matrices for a given coupling or anisotropy

 aMat = GETMATRIX(obj, 'Option1', Value1, ...)


 obj           sw class object.


 One of the following options has to be given in the input:

 label         Label of the matrix that is already assigned to either as
               anisotropy or coupling only once.
 mat_idx       Index of the matrix, stored in obj.matrix. Alternative to
               the 'label' option.
 coupling_idx  Value of the obj.coupling.idx, that defines the coupling,
               for which the symmetry allowed matrix elements have to be
 aniso_idx     Value of the obj.matom.idx, that selects a magnetic atom,
               for which the symmetry allowed anisotropy matrix elements
               have to be determined.
 g_idx         Value of the obj.matom.idx, that selects a magnetic atom,
               for which the symmetry allowed elemtns of the g-tensor
               have to be determined.

 Optional inputs:

 tol       Tolerance for printing the output for the smallest matrix
 pref      Defines prefactors as a vector for the symmetry allowed
           components, dimensions are [1 nSymMat]. Alternatively, if only
           a few of the symmetry allowed matrices have non-zero
           prefactors, use:
               {[6 0.1 5 0.25]}
           This means, the 6th symmetry allowed matrix have prefactor 0.1,
           the 5th symmetry allowed matrix have prefactor 0.25. Since
           Heisenberg isotropic couplings are always allowed, a cell with
           a single element will create a Heisenberg coupling, example:
           This is identical to obj.matrix.mat = eye(3)*0.1
           For DM interactions (antisymmetric coupling matrices), use
           three element vector in the cell:
               {[D1 D2 D3]}
           In this case, these will be the prefactors of the 3
           antisymmetric symmetry allowed matrices. In case no crystal
           symmetry is defined, these will define directly the components
           of the  DM interaction in the xyz coordinate system. Be
           carefull with the sign of the DM interaction, it depends on the
           order of the two interacting atoms! Default value is {1}.
           For anisotropy matrices antisymmetric matrices are not allowed.


 aMat      If no prefactors are defined, aMat contains all symmetry
           allowed elements of the coupling/anisotropy matrix, dimensions
           are [3 3 nSymMat]. If prefactor is defined, it is a single 3x3
           matrix, that is a sum of all symmetry allowed elemenets
           multiplied by the given prefactors.


 cryst = sw;
 cryst.genlattice('sym','P 4')
 cryst.addatom('r',[0 0 0],'label','MCu2')

 The above example determines the allowed anisotropy matrix elements in
 the C4 point group symmetry (the symmetry at the [0 0 0] atomic
 position) and prints them onto the Command Window. The allowed matrix
 elements are: diag([A A B]).



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