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read spin wave dispersion data from file


function data = sw_readspec(path)


 read spin wave dispersion data from file

 data = SW_READSPEC(datapath)

 It reads experimental spin wave dispersion data from text file, whose
 location is defined in path.

 Format of the input data file:
 Every line of the data file contains information about an energy scan at
 constant Q. Data consists of floating point numbers separated by space
 (first line can be a header line):

   QH QK QL minE maxE I1 E1 w1 I2 E2 w2 ...

 QH        H index of the Q point,
 QK        K index of the Q point,
 QL        L index of the Q point,
 minE      lower boundary of the E scan,
 maxE      upper boundary of the E scan,
 In        intensity of the n-th spin wave mode,
 En        center of the n-th spin wave mode, has to be in increasing
 wn        weight of the n-th spin wave mode.

 The number of modes in a single line of the data file is unlimited,
 however in every line the number of modes have to be the same. Scans with
 less modes should contain in the end zero intensities.

 Before any data line a special line can be inserted that gives the
 measured correlation in square brackets, for axample: [Mxx+Myy]. For the
 formatting of this string, see <a href="matlab:doc sw_parstr">sw_parstr</a>.
 If the measured type of correlation is undefined, unpolarised neutron
 scattering intensity is assumed ([Sperp]). When cross sections measured
 in the Blume-Maleev coordinate system (see <a href="matlab:doc sw_egrid">sw_egrid</a>), the normal to the
 scattering plane has to be also defined. This can be given in a second
 pair of square brackes in the xyz coordinate system, for example: [Myy]
 [1 0 0]. If n is undefined, the default value is [0 0 1].

 Example input data file (polarised scans in the (0KL) plane):

 QH    QK        QL      ENlim1  ENlim2  I1  EN1       W1    I2  EN2       W2
 [Mxx] [1 0 0]
 0     1        2.9992   0       15      1    3.7128   1.0   1   8.6778    1.0
 0     1        2.8993   0       15      1    7.0000   1.0   1   11.1249   1.0
 0     1        2.7993   0       20      1   13.8576   1.0   0   0.0       0.0
 0     1        2.6994   0       20      1   17.3861   1.0   0   0.0       0.0
 [Myy] [1 0 0]
 0     1.0000   2.0000   0       25      1   20.2183   1.0   0   0.0       0.0
 0     1.1000   2.0000   15      30      1   22.7032   1.0   0   0.0       0.0
 0     1.2000   2.0000   20      35      1   25.1516   1.0   0   0.0       0.0



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