Home > Applications > SpinW > m_files > sw_spinmotion.m



calculates the amplitude and phase of spin motion


function spectra = sw_spinmotion(spectra, varargin)


 calculates the amplitude and phase of spin motion

 SW_SPINMOTION(spectra, 'option1', value1 ...)

 It calculates the amplitude and phase of the local spin precessions
 belonging to a selected normal magnon mode.


 iMagnon   Index of the normal magnon mode. Number has to be between one
           and nMagExt, the number of spins in the magnetic supercell.
           Default is the first magnon mode.
 Q         Momentum of the magnon in reciprocal lattice units (r.l.u.).
           Either a vector (Qh,Qk,Ql) where spectra is calculated with
           dimensions of [3 1], or scalar denoting the index of the Q
           point in the list of calculated Q points. Default is the first
           Q point.


 Spectra contains an additional spectra.motion field with the following

 Amp1, Amp2    Orthogonal spin wave amplitude vectors for every spin in
               the magnetic supercell, dimensions are [3 nMagExt]. The
               selected normal magnon will create on the i-th spin a
               precession around the ground state direction along the
               ellipse defined by the Amp1(:,i) and Amp2(:,i) orthogonal
               vectors as major and minor axes. At t=0 the spin deviation
               vector points along Amp1.
 iQ            Index the magnon momentum, spectra.hkl(:,iQ) gives the
               magnon momentum in r.l.u. units.
 iMagnon       The index of the normal magnon mode.
 omega         Energy of the selected normal magnon mode. It gives also

 See also SW.SPINWAVE.


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