parse input arguments (option, value pairs)
function input = sw_readparam(format, varargin)
This function calls:
This function is called by:
- sw_animate animates normal magnon modes
- sw_draw plots additional object onto the crystal structure
- sw_drawpoly draws polyhedra around atoms on the structure plot
- sw_econtract converts (Q,omega) values to Qm values for diffraction instrument
- sw_egrid creates energy for spectrum color plot
- sw_filelist lists spinw data in the Matlab workspace or in a .mat file
- sw_idata creates iData object
- sw_instrument includes instrumental factors into the calculated spectrum
- sw_intsf integrates the structure factor along given Q directions
- sw_magdomain calculates the spin-spin correlation function for magnetic domains
- sw_neutron calculates neutron scattering intensity for spin wave spectrum
- sw_omegasum removes degenerate and ghost magnon modes from spectrum
- sw_orbital returns a polygon of selected hydrogen orbitals
- sw_plotsf plots the structure factor in the selected Q range in 1D or 2D
- sw_plotspec plots spin wave spectrum
- sw_readparam parse input arguments (option, value pairs)
- sw_spinmotion calculates the amplitude and phase of spin motion
- sw_t2g plots t2g electron orbital surfaces
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